My notes for the Breccia to X-Breccia translator - I have no plan to develop a reverse translator, one that emits Breccian parse states. - It may suffice to emit (through JAXP) the flat text of X-Breccia, which is a Breccian text, whose parse states could then be attained (if necessary) through the Breccia parser. / The parser is quite fast. testing • input translation >+ Breccia/parser/plain/build-all && Breccia/XML/translator/build-all && Breccia/XML/translator/bin/translate < ~/_/scratch/Breccia.brec > Breccia/parser/plain/build-all > Breccia/XML/translator/build-all && Breccia/XML/translator/bin/translate < ~/_/scratch/Breccia.brec • smoke test >+ Breccia/parser/plain/build-all && Breccia/XML/translator/build-all && Breccia/XML/translator/bin/smoke-test ~/_/scratch/Breccia.brec > Breccia/parser/plain/build-all > Breccia/XML/translator/build-all && Breccia/XML/translator/bin/smoke-test ~/_/scratch/Breccia.brec