package Breccia.parser; /** Typestamps are ordinal numbers that uniquely identify types of parse state. Their main purpose * is to support efficient conditional branching in comprehensive switch statements, those which cover * more-or-less all possible cases. This class defines one typestamp for each of a) the fractal types * the parser treats as concrete, b) their corresponding end states, and c) the empty and halt states. * The parser treats as concrete all types so defined by Breccia except for jointers and pointers, * whose parent type (afterlinker) the parser instead treats as concrete and they as variants of it. * Further it treats as concrete one type undefined by Breccia, that of a plain command point. * *

Parser extensions may define their own typestamps outside the range of 0 to 65,535.

* *

Speed is the reason for treating afterlinkers as concrete. Doing so allows resolution * of jointers and pointers (which may entail elaborate postgap parsing, e.g. between `re` and `join`) * to be deferred pending user demand, rather than being a drag on initial reification.

* * @see ParseState#typestamp() *//* * * Re parser extensions: Switch statements that combine basic and extended typestamps may execute * more slowly owing to the numeric gap between the two. Therefore this class supports a scheme * to allow for a limited set of optimized extensions. [ISS, OPE] */ public class Typestamp { protected Typestamp() {} // Declarations below are ordered by category of parse state such that switch statements omitting // one or more categories might nevertheless avoid a speed penalty owing to numeric gaps. [ISS] // ━━━ F r a c t a l s t a r t ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ /** The lowest of the typestamps defined here. */ protected static final int BrecciaMinimum = 0x00; // = ↓ /** The typestamp of `Afterlinker`. */ public static final int afterlinker = 0x00; // = ↑ /** The typestamp of `AlarmPoint`. */ public static final int alarmPoint = 0x01; /** The typestamp of `AsidePoint`. */ public static final int asidePoint = 0x02; /** The typestamp of `Division`. */ public static final int division = 0x03; /** The typestamp of `NoteCarrier`. */ public static final int noteCarrier = 0x04; /** The typestamp of `PlainCommandPoint`. */ public static final int plainCommandPoint = 0x05; /** The typestamp of `PlainPoint`. */ public static final int plainPoint = 0x06; /** The typestamp of `Privatizer`. */ public static final int privatizer = 0x07; /** The typestamp of `TaskPoint`. */ public static final int taskPoint = 0x08; // ━━━ I n i t i a l o r f i n a l ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ /** The typestamp of `FileFractum`. */ public static final int fileFractum = 0x09; // ↑ contiguous with other fractal starts /** The typestamp of `Empty`. */ public static final int empty = 0x0a; // ↑ contiguous with other normal states /** The typestamp of `Halt`. */ public static final int halt = 0x0b; /** The typestamp of `FileFractum.End`. */ public static final int fileFractumEnd = 0x0c; // ↓ contiguous with other fractal ends // ━━━ F r a c t a l e n d ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ /** The typestamp of `Afterlinker.End`. */ public static final int afterlinkerEnd = 0x0d; /** The typestamp of `AlarmPoint.End`. */ public static final int alarmPointEnd = 0x0e; /** The typestamp of `AsidePoint.End`. */ public static final int asidePointEnd = 0x0f; /** The typestamp of `Division.End`. */ public static final int divisionEnd = 0x10; /** The typestamp of `NoteCarrier.End`. */ public static final int noteCarrierEnd = 0x11; /** The typestamp of `PlainCommandPoint.End`. */ public static final int plainCommandPointEnd = 0x12; /** The typestamp of `PlainPoint.End`. */ public static final int plainPointEnd = 0x13; /** The typestamp of `Privatizer.End`. */ public static final int privatizerEnd = 0x14; /** The typestamp of `TaskPoint.End`. */ public static final int taskPointEnd = 0x15; // = ↓ /** The highest of the typestamps defined here. */ protected static final int BrecciaMaximum = 0x15; } // = ↑ // NOTES // ───── // ISS The implementation of switch statements in the JVM. // // Unfortunately the gap between basic and extended typestamps cannot be eliminated by using // an incremental generator. Then they would no longer be constant variables capable of forming // the constant expressions required by the switch statement. // // // // OPE Optimized parser extensions. A single non-branching series of optimized extensions // is supported, for which the present class declares the actual range of its typestamps. // The next in the series is Waybrec Parser. // Copyright © 2021-2024 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.