package Breccia.parser.plain; import Breccia.parser.*; import Java.*; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.*; import java.nio.CharBuffer; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import static Breccia.parser.plain.Language.*; import static Breccia.parser.plain.MalformedText.*; import static Breccia.parser.plain.Project.newSourceReader; import static Java.CharBuffers.newDelimitableCharSequence; import static Java.CharBuffers.transferDirectly; import static Java.CharSequences.equalInContent; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE; import static java.lang.Character.codePointAt; import static java.lang.Character.isAlphabetic; import static java.lang.Character.isDigit; import static Java.StringBuilding.clear; import static Java.Unicode.graphemeClusterPattern; import static java.util.Arrays.binarySearch; import static java.util.Arrays.sort; /** A reusable, pull parser of plain Breccia as reflected through a cursor. */ public class BrecciaCursor implements ReusableCursor { public BrecciaCursor() { // Late field initialization // ───────────────────────── // `spooler` dependant // ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ _appendageParserC = new AppendageParserC(); // `basicAfterlinker` (etc.) dependants // ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ final String[] commandPointKeywords = { // Those known to Breccia, in lexicographic order. "N.B.", "NB", "ad", "cf.", "contra", "e.g.", "i.e.", "join", "note", "on", "pace", "private", "q.v.", "re", "sc.", "see", "viz." }; final CommandPoint_[] commandPoints = { // Each at the same index as its keyword above. basicAfterlinker, // ‘N.B.’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘NB’ basicNoteCarrier, // ‘ad’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘cf.’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘contra’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘e.g.’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘i.e.’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘join’ basicNoteCarrier, // ‘note’ basicNoteCarrier, // ‘on’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘pace’ basicPrivatizer, // ‘private’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘q.v.’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘re’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘sc.’ basicAfterlinker, // ‘see’ basicAfterlinker }; // ‘viz.’ this.commandPointKeywords = commandPointKeywords; this.commandPoints = commandPoints; } // ━━━ C u r s o r ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ public final @Override @NarrowNot Afterlinker asAfterlinker() throws MalformedText { if( state != afterlinker ) return null; afterlinker.ensureComposition(); return afterlinker; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Afterlinker.End asAfterlinkerEnd() { return state == afterlinkerEnd ? afterlinkerEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot AlarmPoint asAlarmPoint() { return state == alarmPoint ? alarmPoint : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot AlarmPoint.End asAlarmPointEnd() { return state == alarmPointEnd ? alarmPointEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot AsidePoint asAsidePoint() { return state == asidePoint ? asidePoint : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot AsidePoint.End asAsidePointEnd() { return state == asidePointEnd ? asidePointEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot BodyFractum asBodyFractum() { return state == bodyFractum ? bodyFractum : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot BodyFractum.End asBodyFractumEnd() { return state == bodyFractumEnd ? bodyFractumEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot CommandPoint asCommandPoint() { return state == commandPoint ? commandPoint : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot CommandPoint.End asCommandPointEnd() { return state == commandPointEnd ? commandPointEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Division asDivision() { return state == division ? division : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Division.End asDivisionEnd() { return state == divisionEnd ? divisionEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Empty asEmpty() { return state == empty ? empty : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot FileFractum asFileFractum() { return state == fileFractum ? fileFractum : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot FileFractum.End asFileFractumEnd() { return state == fileFractumEnd ? fileFractumEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Fractum asFractum() { return state == fractum ? fractum : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Fractum.End asFractumEnd() { return state == fractumEnd ? fractumEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Halt asHalt() { return state == halt ? halt : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot NoteCarrier asNoteCarrier() { return state == noteCarrier ? noteCarrier : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot NoteCarrier.End asNoteCarrierEnd() { return state == noteCarrierEnd ? noteCarrierEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot PlainCommandPoint asPlainCommandPoint() { return state == plainCommandPoint ? plainCommandPoint : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot PlainCommandPoint.End asPlainCommandPointEnd() { return state == plainCommandPointEnd ? plainCommandPointEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot PlainPoint asPlainPoint() { return state == plainPoint ? plainPoint : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot PlainPoint.End asPlainPointEnd() { return state == plainPointEnd ? plainPointEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Point asPoint() { return state == point ? point : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Point.End asPointEnd() { return state == pointEnd ? pointEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Privatizer asPrivatizer() { return state == privatizer ? privatizer : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot Privatizer.End asPrivatizerEnd() { return state == privatizerEnd ? privatizerEnd : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot TaskPoint asTaskPoint() { return state == taskPoint ? taskPoint : null; } public final @Override @NarrowNot TaskPoint.End asTaskPointEnd() { return state == taskPointEnd ? taskPointEnd : null; } public final @Override boolean isPrivatized( final int[] xuncFractalDescent ) { if( !state.isFinal() || state == halt ) throw new IllegalStateException(); final int pEnd = xuncPrivatized.length; if( pEnd == 0 ) return false; // No fractum is privatized, so nothing at all is privatized. if( xuncPrivatized.array[0] == -1 ) return true; // The file fractum is, so everything is. int pStart = 0; for( final int xD: xuncFractalDescent ) { for( int p = pStart; p < pEnd; ++p ) { final int xP = xuncPrivatized.array[p]; if( xP == xD) return true; /* A fractum in the granum’s line of descent is privatized (either an ancestor or the granum itself) whereby the granum too is privatized. */ if( xP > xD ) { // Then the remaining `xP` will also be greater, none matching. pStart = p; /* Start here for the next `xD` because none of the preceding `xP` will be able to match it, because it will be larger than the present `xD`. */ break; }}} return false; } /* No fractum in the granum’s line of descent is privatized (neither an ancestor nor the granum itself) so the granum is not privatized. */ public final @Override @NarrowNot ParseState next() throws ParseError { if( state.isFinal() ) throw new NoSuchElementException(); try { _next(); } catch( ParseError x ) { disable(); throw x; } assert !(state instanceof Empty || state instanceof Halt); return state; } public final @Override void perState( final Consumer sink ) throws ParseError { try { for( ;; ) { sink.accept( state ); if( state.isFinal() ) break; _next(); }} catch( ParseError x ) { disable(); throw x; }} public final @Override void perStateConditionally( final Predicate sink ) throws ParseError { try { while( sink.test(state) && !state.isFinal() ) _next(); } catch( ParseError x ) { disable(); throw x; }} public final @Override @NarrowNot ParseState state() { return state; } // ━━━ R e u s a b l e C u r s o r ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ public final @Override void perState( final Path sourceFile, final Consumer sink ) throws ParseError { try( final Reader r = newSourceReader​( sourceFile )) { source( r ); for( ;; ) { sink.accept( state ); if( state.isFinal() ) break; _next(); }} catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); } catch( ParseError x ) { disable(); throw x; }} public final @Override void perStateConditionally( final Path sourceFile, final Predicate sink ) throws ParseError { try( final Reader r = newSourceReader​( sourceFile )) { source( r ); while( sink.test(state) && !state.isFinal() ) _next(); } catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); } catch( ParseError x ) { disable(); throw x; }} public final @Override void source( final Reader r ) throws ParseError { try { _source( r ); } catch( ParseError x ) { disable(); throw x; }} //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @param aKeywords Additional keywords in lexicographic order * to merge into {@linkplain #commandPointKeywords commandPointKeywords}. * @param aPoints The corresponding command points, * each at the same index as its keyword in `aKeywords`. */ protected final void addCommandPointKeywords( final String[] aKeywords, final CommandPoint_[] aPoints ) { final String[] bKeywords = commandPointKeywords; final CommandPoint_[] bPoints = commandPoints; final int aN = aKeywords.length; final int bN = bKeywords.length; // Merge sort (a, b) → m // ────────── final int mN = bN + aN; final String[] mKeywords = new String[ mN ]; final String[] rKeywords; // Remainder, one of `a` or `bKeywords`. final CommandPoint_[] mPoints = new CommandPoint_[ mN ]; final CommandPoint_[] rPoints; // One of `a` or `bPoints`. int m = 0; int r;// Index to remainder, either of `a` or `b`. String rKeyword; for( int a = 0, b = 0;; ++m ) { final String aKeyword = aKeywords[a]; final String bKeyword = bKeywords[b]; final int signum = aKeyword, bKeyword ); if( signum < 0 ) { mKeywords[m] = aKeyword; mPoints[m] = aPoints[a]; if( ++a == aN ) { r = b; rKeyword = bKeyword; rKeywords = bKeywords; rPoints = bPoints; break; }} else if( signum > 0 ) { mKeywords[m] = bKeyword; mPoints[m] = bPoints[b]; if( ++b == bN ) { r = a; rKeyword = aKeyword; rKeywords = aKeywords; rPoints = aPoints; break; }} else throw new IllegalStateException(); } // Already the keyword was there. for( ++m;; rKeyword = rKeywords[++r] ) { mKeywords[m] = rKeyword; mPoints[m] = rPoints[r]; if( ++m == mN ) break; } commandPointKeywords = mKeywords; commandPoints = mPoints; } private final AppendageParser appendageParser = new AppendageParser(); private final AppendageParserC _appendageParserC; /** Resets and returns `_appendageParserC`. */ private AppendageParserC appendageParserCReset() { _appendageParserC.reset(); return _appendageParserC; } /** Parses any comment appender the delimiter of which (a backslash sequence) * would begin at buffer position `b`, adding it to the given granum list. * Already the text before `b` is known to be well formed for the purpose. * * @return The end boundary of the comment appender, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyCommentAppender( int b, final List grana ) { if( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '\\' && commentaryHoldDetector.slashStartsDelimiter(b) ) { final CommentAppender_ appender = spooler.commentAppender.unwind(); appender.text.delimit( b, b = compose( appender )); grana.add( appender ); } return b; } /** Parses any sequence of divider drawing characters at buffer position `b`, * adding it to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyDrawing( final int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) { final int c = throughAnyDrawing( b ); if( c /*moved*/!= b ) grana.appendFlat( b, c ); return c; } /** Parses any foregap at buffer position `b`, adding each of its components * to the given granum list. Already `b` is known to bound either the end * of the fractal segment (edge case) or the start of a line within it. * * @return The end boundary of the foregap, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyForegap( int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) { if( b >= segmentEnd ) return b; /* As required, either `b` bounds the segment end (left), or a line start (right). */ assert b == segmentStart || completesNewline(buffer.get(b-1)); int bLine = b; // The last position at which a line starts. int bFlat = b; /* The last potential start position of flat text, each character being either a plain space or newline constituent. */ // Establish the loop invariant // ──────────────────────────── char ch = buffer.get( b ); if( ch == ' ' ) { b = throughAnyS( ++b ); if( b >= segmentEnd ) { grana.appendFlat( bFlat, b ); return b; } ch = buffer.get( b ); } // Loop through the foregap form // ───────────────────────────── boolean endsAtTerm = false; // Set true if a bounding term is discovered. for( ;; ) { /* Loop invariant: character `ch` at `b` lies within the fractal segment and is not a plain space. Rather it is a newline constituent or the first character either of the lead delimiter of a block construct in the foregap, or of a term just after the foregap. */ assert b < segmentEnd && ch != ' '; if( completesNewline( ch )) { ++b; // Past the newline. if( b >= segmentEnd ) { grana.appendFlat( bFlat, b ); break; } bLine = b; ch = buffer.get( b ); if( ch != ' ' ) continue; // Already the invariant is re-established. b = throughAnyS( ++b ); } // Re-establishing the invariant, part 1. else if( impliesWithoutCompletingNewline( ch )) { ch = buffer.get( ++b ); // Toward its completion. assert impliesNewline( ch ); // Already `delimitSegment` has tested for this. continue; } // Already the invariant is re-established. else { // Expect either a block (comment block or indent blind) or a bounding term. if( bFlat < bLine ) { grana.appendFlat( bFlat, bLine ); // Flat text that came before the line. bFlat = bLine; } final BlockParser parser; if( ch == '\\' ) parser = commentBlockParser; else if( ch == /*no-break space*/'\u00A0' ) parser = indentBlindParser; else { endsAtTerm = true; // Namely a non-backslashed term. break; } if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = parser.appendIfDelimiter( b, bLine, grana ))) { endsAtTerm = true; // Namely a backslashed term. break; } if( b >= segmentEnd ) break; // This block ends both the foregap and fractal segment. bLine = b; // This block has ended with a line break. bFlat = b; // Potentially the next run of flat text begins here. b = parser.postSpaceEnd; } // Re-establishing the invariant, part 1. // re-establish the invariant, part 2 // ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ if( b >= segmentEnd ) { assert bFlat < b; grana.appendFlat( bFlat, b ); break; } ch = buffer.get( b ); } if( endsAtTerm && bFlat < b ) grana.appendFlat( bFlat, b ); // Flat text that came before. return b; } /** Parses any newline at buffer position `b`, adding it to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the newline, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyNewline( final int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) { final int c = throughAnyNewline( b ); if( b != c ) grana.appendFlat( b, c ); return c; } /** Parses any sequence of newlines at buffer position `b`, adding it to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyNewlines( final int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) { final int c = throughAnyNewlines( b ); if( b != c ) grana.appendFlat( b, c ); return c; } /** Parses any postgap at buffer position `b`, * adding each of its components to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the postgap, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyP( int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) { if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyS( b, grana ))) { if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyCommentAppender( b, grana ))) { return appendAnyForegap( b, grana ); }} if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyNewline( b, grana ))) b = appendAnyForegap( b, grana ); return b; } /** Parses at buffer position `b` any regular-expression pattern matcher, adding it to the given * granum and pattern-matcher lists. Alone any delimiter ‘`’ at `b` will commit this method * to parsing a matcher in full, failing which it will throw a malformed-text exception. * * @return The end boundary of the pattern matcher, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyPatternMatcher( int b, final List grana, final List matchers ) throws MalformedText { if( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '`' ) { final PatternMatcher_ matcher = spooler.patternMatcher.unwind(); b = appendPatternMatcherAt( b, grana, matcher ); matchers.add( matcher ); } return b; } /** Parses any sequence at buffer position `b` of plain space characters, * namely ‘S’ in the language definition, adding it to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyS( final int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) { final int c = throughAnyS( b ); if( b != c ) grana.appendFlat( b, c ); return c; } /** Parses any term at buffer position `b`, adding it to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the term, or `b` if none was found. */ private int appendAnyTerm( final int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) { final int c = termParser.throughAny( b ); if( c /*moved*/!= b ) grana.appendFlat( b, c ); return c; } /** Parses a postgap at buffer position `b`, adding each of its components to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the postgap. * @throws MalformedText If no postgap occurs at `b`. */ private int appendP( int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) throws MalformedText { if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, grana ))) return b; throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Postgap expected" ); } /** Parses at buffer position `b` a regular-expression pattern matcher, * adding it to the given granum list. * * @param matcher The matcher instance to use for the purpose. * @return The end boundary of the pattern matcher. * @throws MalformedText If no pattern matcher occurs at `b`. */ private int appendPatternMatcher( int b, final List grana, final PatternMatcher_ matcher ) throws MalformedText { if( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '`' ) return appendPatternMatcherAt( b, grana, matcher ); throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Pattern delimiter expected" ); } /** Parses at buffer position `b` a regular-expression pattern matcher, * adding it to the given granum list. Already `b` is known to hold the lead delimiter ‘`’. * * @param matcher The matcher instance to use for the purpose. * @return The end boundary of the pattern matcher. * @throws MalformedText If no pattern matcher occurs at `b`. */ private int appendPatternMatcherAt( int b, final List grana, final PatternMatcher_ matcher ) throws MalformedText { final int bMatcher = b; // Left pattern delimiter // ────────────────────── assert b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '`'; matcher.patternDelimiterLeft.text.delimit( b, ++b ); // Pattern // ─────── pattern: { final Pattern pattern = matcher.pattern; final CoalescentGranalList cc = pattern.components; cc.clear(); final int bPattern = b; boolean inEscape = false; // Whether the last character was a backslash ‘\’. while( b < segmentEnd ) { final char ch = buffer.get( b ); if( impliesNewline( ch )) break; // Backslashed sequences // ───────────────────── if( inEscape ) { if( ch == 'b' || ch == 'd' || ch == 'R' ) { final FlatGranum special = spooler.backslashedSpecial.unwind(); special.text.delimit( b - 1, ++b ); // Including the prior backslash. cc.add( special ); } else if( ch == 'N' ) { final int bStart = b - 1; // The prior backslash. b = throughBackslashedSpecialNQualifier( ++b ); final FlatGranum special = spooler.backslashedSpecial.unwind(); special.text.delimit( bStart, b ); cc.add( special ); } else if( '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' || isAlphabetic( ch )) { final int a = b - 1; final StringBuilder s = clear( stringBuilder ); s.append( "Unsupported backslash sequence: `" ); // Viz. reserved for future use. s.append( buffer, a, b + 1 ); s.append( '`' ); throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(a), s.toString() ); } else { final FlatGranum literalizer = spooler.literalizer.unwind(); literalizer.text.delimit( b - 1, b ); cc.add( literalizer ); cc.appendFlat( b, ++b ); } inEscape = false; continue; } if( ch == '\\' ) { inEscape = true; ++b; continue; } // Metacharacters, anchored prefixes and variable interpolators // ────────────── if( ch == '^' ) { final int bStart = b++; if( b < segmentEnd && completesAnchoredPrefix( buffer.get( b ))) { final FlatGranum prefix = spooler.anchoredPrefix.unwind(); prefix.text.delimit( bStart, ++b ); cc.add( prefix ); } else { final FlatGranum metacharacter = spooler.metacharacter.unwind(); metacharacter.text.delimit( bStart, b ); cc.add( metacharacter ); } continue; } if( ch == '$' ) { final int bStart = b++; if( b /*moved*/!= (b = throughAnyBracketedVariableName( b ))) { final FlatGranum variable = spooler.variable.unwind(); variable.text.delimit( bStart, b ); cc.add( variable ); } else { final FlatGranum metacharacter = spooler.metacharacter.unwind(); metacharacter.text.delimit( bStart, b ); cc.add( metacharacter ); } continue; } if( ch == '.' || ch == '|' || ch == '*' || ch == '+' || ch == '?' ) { final FlatGranum metacharacter = spooler.metacharacter.unwind(); metacharacter.text.delimit( b, ++b ); cc.add( metacharacter ); continue; } if( ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '{' || ch == '}' ) { throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Illegal use of a reserved symbol, must be literalized with `\\`" ); } // Terminus // ──────── if( ch == '`' ) { if( b == bPattern ) throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Empty pattern" ); pattern.text.delimit( bPattern, b ); cc.flush(); break pattern; } // Group delimiters // ──────────────── if( ch == '(' ) { final int bStart = b++; if( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '?' ) { final int c = b + 1; if( c < segmentEnd && buffer.get(c) == ':' ) b = c + 1; } final FlatGranum delimiter = spooler.groupDelimiter.unwind(); delimiter.text.delimit( bStart, b ); cc.add( delimiter ); continue; } if( ch == ')' ) { final FlatGranum delimiter = spooler.groupDelimiter.unwind(); delimiter.text.delimit( b, ++b ); cc.add( delimiter ); continue; } // Literal characters // ────────────────── cc.appendFlat( b, ++b ); } throw truncatedPattern( characterPointer( b )); } // Right pattern delimiter // ─────────────────────── assert buffer.get(b) == '`'; // As per § Terminus, above. matcher.patternDelimiterRight.text.delimit( b, ++b ); final DelimitableGranumList cc = matcher.components; assert cc.sizeLimit() == 4; // Accordingly, numeric literals are used below. // Match modifiers // ─────────────── if( atMatchModifier( b )) { final int a = b; do ++b; while( atMatchModifier( b )); // Cf. the various `throughAny` methods. final FlatGranum mm = matcher.matchModifiersWhenPresent; mm.text.delimit( a, b ); matcher.matchModifiers = mm; cc.end( 4 ); } // Extended to include the modifier series. else { matcher.matchModifiers = null; cc.end( 3 ); } // Retracted to exclude the modifier series. matcher.text.delimit( bMatcher, b ); grana.add( matcher ); return b; } /** Parses a sequence at buffer position `b` of plain space characters, * namely ‘S’ in the language definition, adding it to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence. * @throws MalformedText If no such sequence occurs at `b`. */ private int appendS( int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) throws MalformedText { grana.appendFlat( b, b = throughS(b) ); return b; } /** Parses a term at buffer position `b`, adding it to the given granum list. * * @return The end boundary of the term. * @throws MalformedText If no term occurs at `b`. */ private int appendTerm( int b, final CoalescentGranalList grana ) throws MalformedText { grana.appendFlat( b, b = termParser.through(b) ); return b; } /** @param b A buffer position. * @throws MalformedText If neither a matcher modifier nor term boundary occurs at `b`. */ private boolean atMatchModifier( final int b ) throws MalformedText { if( b < segmentEnd ) { final char ch = buffer.get( b ); if( termParser.isProper( ch )) { if( matchModifiers.indexOf(ch) >= 0 ) return true; throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Unexpected character" ); }} return false; } /** The source buffer. Except where an API requires otherwise (e.g. `delimitSegment`), the buffer * is maintained at a default position of zero, whence it may be treated whole as a `CharSequence`. */ final CharBuffer buffer = CharBuffer.allocate( bufferCapacity ); // final CharBuffer buffer = CharBuffer.allocate( bufferCapacity + 1 ) // TEST with a positive // .slice( 1, bufferCapacity ); // `arrayOffset`. [BAO] /** The capacity of the read buffer in UTF-16 code units. Parsing text with a fractal head large * enough to overflow the buffer will cause an `{@linkplain OverlargeHead OverlargeHead}` exception. */ private static final int bufferCapacity; private final Matcher bufferClusterMatcher = graphemeClusterPattern.matcher( buffer ); /** Returns the columnar offset at the given buffer position, resolving its line * within the parsed region of the present fractal head. If the position lies outside * of the parsed region, then the fallbacks of `locateLine` apply. * * @see Granum#column() * @param position A buffer position within the parsed region of the present fractal head. * @see LineLocator#locateLine(int) */ final @Subst int bufferColumn( final int position ) { lineLocator.locateLine( position ); return bufferClusterCount( lineLocator.start(), position ); } /** Returns the number of grapheme clusters between buffer positions `start` and `end`. * Omits any partial cluster at the end of the span. * * @see * Grapheme cluster boundaries in Unicode text segmentation */ final int bufferClusterCount( final int start, final int end ) { return bufferGCC.clusterCount( start, end ); } private final GraphemeClusterCounter bufferGCC = new GraphemeClusterCounter( buffer, bufferClusterMatcher ); /** The threshold in UTF-16 code units of free space required to initiate refill of the buffer * without zero-shifting the already-read part of the present segment. The main purpose is to avoid * pointless shifting before the final, empty transfer that signals exhaustion of the text source. */ private static final int bufferHeadRoom; static { bufferHeadRoom = 0x2000; // 8192, sufficient for the purpose. int n = 0x1_0000; // 65536, minimizing the likelihood of having to throw `OverlargeHead`. // Now assume the IO system will transfer that much on each refill request by `delimitSegment`. // Let it do so even while the buffer holds the already-read portion of the present segment: n += bufferHeadRoom / 2; // 4096, more than ample for that segment. bufferCapacity = n; } /** Resolves the line number at `position`. If `position` lies outside of the parsed region * of the present fractal head, then the fallbacks of `locateLine` apply. * * @param position A buffer position within the parsed region of the present fractal head. * @see LineLocator#locateLine(int) */ final @Subst int bufferLineNumber( final int position ) { lineLocator.locateLine( position ); return lineLocator.number(); } private final BulletEndSeeker bulletEndSeeker = new BulletEndSeeker(); private @Subst CharacterPointer characterPointer() { return characterPointer( buffer.position() ); } /** Makes a character pointer to the given buffer position, locating its line within * the parsed region of the present fractal head. If the position lies outside * of the parsed region, then the fallbacks of `locateLine` apply. * * @param position A buffer position within the parsed region of the present fractal head. * @see LineLocator#locateLine(int) *//* * @paramImplied #stringBuilder2 */ @Subst CharacterPointer characterPointer( final int position ) { // Locate the line // ─────────────── lineLocator.locateLine( position ); final int lineStart = lineLocator.start(); // Resolve its content // ─────────────────── final int lineEnd; { // Or less, if the whole line has yet to enter the buffer. final int lineIndex = lineLocator.index(); if( lineIndex < fractumLineEnds.length ) { // Then delimit the line the easy way: lineEnd = fractumLineEnds.array[lineIndex]; } else { // The line has yet to be parsed to its end. Delimit it the hard way: final int pN = buffer.limit(); int p = position; while( p < pN && !completesNewline(buffer.get(p++)) ); lineEnd = p; }} final String line = clear(stringBuilder2).append( buffer, lineStart, lineEnd ).toString(); // Form the pointer // ──────────────── final int column = bufferClusterCount( lineStart, position ); return new CharacterPointer( line, column, lineLocator.number() ); } private @Subst CharacterPointer characterPointerBack() { return characterPointer( buffer.position() - 1 ); } /** The keywords of command points in lexicographic order as defined by ``. * A keyword is any term that may appear first in the command. * * @see CharSequence#compare(CharSequence,CharSequence) * @see #addCommandPointKeywords(String[],CommandPoint_[]) */ protected String[] commandPointKeywords; /** Concrete parse states for command points, each at the same index as its corresponding keyword * in `commandPointKeywords`. */ protected CommandPoint_[] commandPoints; private final CommentaryHoldDetector commentaryHoldDetector = new CommentaryHoldDetector(); private final BlockParser commentBlockParser = new CommentBlockParser(); /** Whether character `ch` is one that formally ends an achored prefix `^*`, `^+` or `^^`. * Returns true if `ch` is ‘*’, ‘+’ or ‘^’. */ private static boolean completesAnchoredPrefix( final char ch ) { return ch == '*' || ch == '+' || ch == '^'; } /** @return The end boundary of the holder, viz. past any terminal newline. *//* * @paramImplied #commentaryHoldDetector What detected the hold in the text. */ private int compose( final CommentaryHolder_ holder ) { final CommentaryHoldDetector detector = commentaryHoldDetector; final DelimitableGranumList cc = holder.components; assert cc.sizeLimit() == 5; // Accordingly, numeric literals are used below. // `c1_delimiter` // ────────────── final int delimiterEnd = detector.delimit( holder ); // Its `c1_delimiter.text`, that is. // `c2_white`, if any // ────────── final int whiteEnd = detector.whiteEnd; if( whiteEnd == delimiterEnd ) { cc.end( 2 ); // The holder ends without `c2_white`. holder.c3_commentary = null; // Wherefore it also ends without `c3_commentary`. return delimiterEnd; } holder.c2_white.text.delimit( delimiterEnd, whiteEnd ); // `c3_commentary` and `c4_white`, if the former or both // ────────────────────────────── if( !detector.hasDetectedCommentary ) { cc.end( 3 ); // The holder ends without `c3_commentary`. holder.c3_commentary = null; return whiteEnd; } int b = whiteEnd; /* The scan begins at the end boundary of `c2_white`, which is the start of the leading term of `c3_commentary`. */ assert !isPlainWhitespace( buffer.get( b )); ++b; // Past the first character of the leading term. final int commentaryEnd; cc: for( ;; ) { term: for(;; ++b ) { // [TEB] if( b >= segmentEnd ) { commentaryEnd = b; cc.end( 4 ); // The holder ends without `c4_white`. break cc; } final char ch = buffer.get( b ); if( ch == ' ' || impliesWithoutCompletingNewline(ch) ) break term; if( completesNewline( ch )) { cc.end( 5 ); // The holder ends with a newline. holder.c4_white.text.delimit( commentaryEnd = b, ++/*past the newline*/b ); break cc; }} final int bWhite = b++; // Where the latest plain whitespace starts. white: for(;; ++b ) { if( b >= segmentEnd ) { cc.end( 5 ); // The holder ends with a plain space. holder.c4_white.text.delimit( commentaryEnd = bWhite, segmentEnd ); break cc; } final char ch = buffer.get( b ); if( completesNewline( ch )) { cc.end( 5 ); // The holder ends with a newline. holder.c4_white.text.delimit( commentaryEnd = bWhite, ++/*past the newline*/b ); break cc; } if( !( ch == ' ' || impliesWithoutCompletingNewline(ch) )) break white; }} holder.c3_commentaryWhenPresent.text.delimit( whiteEnd, commentaryEnd ); holder.c3_commentary = holder.c3_commentaryWhenPresent; return b; } /** @see Afterlinker_#compose() */ final void composeAfterlinker() throws MalformedText { final Afterlinker_ linker = afterlinker; assert !linker.isComposed; final DelimitableCharSequence keyword = linker.keyword; final CoalescentGranalList dcc = linker.descriptor.components; dcc.clear(); int b; final int bCommand = keyword.start(); dcc.appendFlat( linker.bullet.text.end(), b = bCommand ); // Command // ─────── dcc.add( linker.command ); /* Added early (before parsing it) because the parse might overshoot the command into a subsequent postgap, prematurely adding it to `dcc`. */ final CoalescentGranalList cc = linker.command.components; cc.clear(); final int bReferentialCommand; final DelimitableCharSequence referentialCommandKeyword; if( equalInContent( "re", keyword )) { // Subject clause, from keyword // ─────────────── final var cS = linker.subjectClauseWhenPresent; final CoalescentGranalList cScc = cS.components; cScc.clear(); cScc.appendFlat( b, b = keyword.end() ); b = appendP( b, cScc ); b = appendPatternMatcher( b, cScc, cS.patternMatcher ); cS.text.delimit( bCommand, b ); cScc.flush(); cc.add( linker.subjectClause = cS ); b = appendP( b, cc ); // Referential command, from scratch // ─────────────────── bReferentialCommand = b; b = termParser.through( b ); xSeq.delimit( bReferentialCommand, b ); referentialCommandKeyword = xSeq; } else { // A subject clause is absent. linker.subjectClause = null; // Referential command, from keyword // ─────────────────── bReferentialCommand = keyword.start(); b = keyword.end(); referentialCommandKeyword = keyword; } if( equalInContent( "see", referentialCommandKeyword )) { final int c; int d = b; if( d /*moved*/!= (d = c = throughAnyS( d )) && d /*moved*/!= (d = termParser.throughAny( d ))) { xSeq.delimit( c, d ); if( equalInContent("also",xSeq) || equalInContent("e.g.",xSeq) ) b = d; }} else if( equalInContent( "cf.", referentialCommandKeyword )) { final int c; int d = b; if( d /*moved*/!= (d = c = throughAnyS( d )) && d /*moved*/!= (d = termParser.throughAny( d ))) { xSeq.delimit( c, d ); if( equalInContent( "e.g.", xSeq )) b = d; }} else trap: { if( !equalInContent( "re", referentialCommandKeyword )) { final int k = binarySearch( commandPointKeywords, referentialCommandKeyword, CharSequence::compare ); if( k >= 0 && commandPoints[k] == basicAfterlinker ) break trap; } throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(bReferentialCommand), "Unrecognized referential command" ); } linker.referentialCommand.text.delimit( bReferentialCommand, b ); cc.add( linker.referentialCommand ); linker.objectClause = null; // Till proven otherwise. boolean toParseAppendage = false; /* Whether a postgap following the command has been added to `dcc`, but no parse of a subsequent appendage clause has yet been attempted. */ final AppendageParserC pAC = appendageParserCReset(); b = pAC.appendP_AnyClause( b, /*outer*/dcc, /*inner*/cc, linker ); cO: if( !pAC.wasAppended && b < segmentEnd ) { // Object clause // ─────────────── final var cO = linker.objectClauseWhenPresent; final var cOLParser = objectClauseLocantParser; final int bStart = b; b = cOLParser.appendAny( b, cO.fractalContextLocantWhenPresent ); if( b /*moved*/!= bStart ) { // Then a fractal context locant is present cO.fractumLocant = null; // instead of a fractum locant. cO.fractalContextLocant = cO.fractalContextLocantWhenPresent; cO.components = cO.componentsAsFractalContextLocant; } else { // A fractum locant is present instead of a fractal context locant. cO.fractalContextLocant = null; b = cOLParser.append( b, cO.fractumLocantWhenPresent, /*failureMessage*/null/*none ∵ the foregoing guarantees at least a term*/ ); cO.fractumLocant = cO.fractumLocantWhenPresent; cO.components = cO.componentsAsFractumLocant; } cO.text.delimit( bStart, cOLParser.bEnd ); cc.add( linker.objectClause = cO ); if( cOLParser.wasAnyPostgapParsed ) { final GranalArrayList cOIcc = cOLParser.components; final int cTermEnd = cOLParser.cTermEnd; final int cN = cOIcc.size(); if( cTermEnd < cN ) { /* Then components of a final postgap were inadvertently appended to `cOIcc`. Move them to `dcc`, where they belong: [AMP] */ int c = cTermEnd; do dcc.add( cOIcc.get( c++ )); while( c < cN ); cOIcc.removeRange( cTermEnd, cN ); /* With this, `cOIcc` would be broken by any further coalescence. But none will occur ∵ it is now complete. */ toParseAppendage = true; }} else if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, dcc ))) toParseAppendage = true; } linker.command.text.delimit( bCommand, b ); cc.flush(); if( toParseAppendage ) b = pAC.appendAny( b, dcc, linker ); if( b < segmentEnd ) throw unexpectedTerm( characterPointer( b )); assert b == segmentEnd: parseEndsWithSegment(b); dcc.flush(); } /** @see NonCommandPoint#compose() */ final void composeDescriptor( final NonCommandPoint p ) throws MalformedText { assert !p.isComposed; final CoalescentGranalList cc = p.descriptor.components; cc.clear(); int b = p.bullet.text.end(); assert segmentEnd > b; cc: { if( buffer.get(b) == '\u00A0' ) { // A single no-break space may bound the bullet. cc.appendFlat( b, ++b ); if( b >= segmentEnd ) break cc; } // It may also comprise the whole descriptor. if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = appendAnyP( b, cc ))) { throw new IllegalParseState( characterPointer(b), "Postgap expected" ); } // Because no alternative is possible if `reifyPoint` has done its job. while( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyTerm( b, cc )) && b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, cc ))); } assert b == segmentEnd: parseEndsWithSegment(b); cc.flush(); } /** @see PlainCommandPoint#compose() */ final void composeDescriptor( final PlainCommandPoint_ p ) throws MalformedText { // This method parses as such neither the command nor any appendage clause, // as they would be difficult to parse without knowing the command form. assert !p.isComposed; final CoalescentGranalList cc = p.descriptor.components; cc.clear(); int b; cc.appendFlat( p.bullet.text.end(), b = p.keyword.end() ); while( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, cc )) && b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyTerm( b, cc ))); assert b == segmentEnd: parseEndsWithSegment(b); cc.flush(); assert p.appendageClause == null; } // Never parsed, as explained above. /** @see SimpleCommandPoint#compose() */ final void composeDescriptor( final SimpleCommandPoint p ) throws MalformedText { assert !p.isComposed; final CoalescentGranalList cc = p.descriptor.components; cc.clear(); final DelimitableCharSequence keyword = p.keyword; cc.appendFlat( p.bullet.text.end(), keyword.start() ); // Command // ─────── assert p.command.components.isEmpty(); // The command is simple, its text being identical to assert p.command.text == keyword; // the keyword already delimited by `reifyCommandPoint`. cc.add( p.command ); int b = appendAnyP( keyword.end(), cc ); // Appendage clause // ──────────────── b = appendageParser.appendAny( b, cc, p ); assert b == segmentEnd: parseEndsWithSegment(b); cc.flush(); } /** @see Divider_#areSegmentsComposed */ final void composeDividerSegments() { final Division_ div = basicDivision; assert !div.areSegmentsComposed; final Division_.DividerSegmentList segments = div.components; final int sN = segments.size(); int s = 0; final int segmentEndWas = segmentEnd; // End of present fractal segment. try { // With a shifting value of `segmentEnd`, for sake of calls herein to parsing methods. do { final DividerSegment_ seg = segments.get( s ); int b = seg.text.start(); seg.perfectIndent.text.delimit( b, b += seg.indentWidth ); final CoalescentGranalList cc = seg.components; cc.clear(); // Perfect indent // ────────────── cc.add( seg.perfectIndent ); segmentEnd = seg.text.end(); // Setting temporarily to the end of this divider `seg`. // Divider drawing sequence (initial) // ──────────────────────── cc.appendFlat( b, b = throughAnyDrawing( ++b/*after the initial drawing character*/ )); boolean lastWasDrawing = true; for( ;; ) { for( ;; ) { if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = appendAnyP( b, cc ))) break; lastWasDrawing = false; if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = appendAnyDrawing( b, cc ))) break; lastWasDrawing = true; } if( b >= segmentEnd ) break; // Division label // ────────────── final int bLabel = b; if( lastWasDrawing ) { b = labelTermParser.throughAnyContiguous( b ); } else b = labelTermParser.throughAny( b ); int bLabelEnd = b; if( bLabelEnd == bLabel ) { // This should have been impossible, given the foregoing. throw new IllegalParseState( characterPointer(b), "Division label expected" ); } boolean spacedAppenderFollows = false; /* Whether the label is directly followed by space, which in turn is followed by comment appender. */ for( ;; ) { final int bSpace = b; if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = throughAnyS( b ))) break; if( b >= segmentEnd ) break; if( buffer.get(b) == '\\' && commentaryHoldDetector.slashStartsDelimiter(b) ) { b = bSpace; spacedAppenderFollows = true; break; } if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = labelTermParser.throughAny( b ))) break; bLabelEnd = b; } final FlatGranum label = spooler.divisionLabel.unwind(); label.text.delimit( bLabel, bLabelEnd ); cc.add( label ); if( spacedAppenderFollows ) continue; /* Rather than trouble to append it (with any ensuing foregap) and then recover the loop invariant, simply let it be redetected and appended by `appendAnyP` atop the loop. */ if( b > bLabelEnd ) cc.appendFlat( bLabelEnd, b ); // Trailing plain whitespace. if( b >= segmentEnd ) break; // Divider drawing sequence, if any (continued atop the loop) // ──────────────────────── if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyDrawing( b, cc ))) lastWasDrawing = true; } assert b == segmentEnd: parseEndsWithSegment(b); cc.flush(); } while( ++s < sN ); assert segmentEnd == segmentEndWas; } // The segments end with the present fractal segment. finally { segmentEnd = segmentEndWas; }} // Restore the original value regardless. /** @see FileFractum_#isComposed */ final void composeFileFractum() { final FileFractum_ f = fileFractum; assert !f.isComposed; final CoalescentGranalList cc = f.componentsWhenPresent; cc.clear(); int b = 0; assert b == fractumStart && segmentEnd > b; if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = appendAnyForegap( b, cc ))) { throw new IllegalParseState( characterPointer(b), "Foregap expected" ); } // Because no alternative is possible if `delimitSegment` has done its job. while( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyTerm( b, cc )) && b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, cc ))); assert b == segmentEnd: parseEndsWithSegment(b); cc.flush(); f.components = cc; } /** @see NoteCarrier_#compose() */ final void composeNoteCarrier() throws MalformedText { final NoteCarrier_ nC = noteCarrier; assert !nC.isComposed; final DelimitableCharSequence keyword = nC.keyword; final CoalescentGranalList dcc = nC.descriptor.components; dcc.clear(); int b; final int bCommand = keyword.start(); dcc.appendFlat( nC.bullet.text.end(), b = bCommand ); // Command // ─────── dcc.add( nC.command ); /* Added early (before parsing it) because the parse that follows will overshoot the command into any subsequent postgap, prematurely adding it to `dcc`. */ final CoalescentGranalList cc = nC.command.components; cc.clear(); int bCommandEnd; if( equalInContent( "note", keyword )) { // Then no purview clause is present, only a label. // Label // ───── nC.patternMatcher = null; nC.labelWhenPresent.text.delimit( b, b = keyword.end() ); cc.add( nC.labelWhenPresent ); bCommandEnd = b; if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, dcc ))) { b = appendageParser.appendAny( b, dcc, nC ); }} else { // A purview clause is present and possibly a label, too. // Pertainment clause, comprising a preposition and a pattern matcher // ────────────────── nC.prepositionWhenPresent.text.delimit( b, b = keyword.end() ); cc.add( nC.prepositionWhenPresent ); b = appendP( b, cc ); b = appendPatternMatcher( b, cc, nC.patternMatcher = nC.patternMatcherWhenPresent ); bCommandEnd = b; // Pending proof to the contrary. final AppendageParserC pAC = appendageParserCReset(); if( b /*moved*/!= (b = pAC.appendAnyP_AnyClause( b, /*outer*/dcc, /*inner*/cc, nC )) && !pAC.wasAppended && b < segmentEnd ) { // Label, too // ───── final DelimitableCharSequence text = nC.labelWhenPresent.text; text.delimit( b, b = termParser.through(b) ); if( !equalInContent( "note", text )) { throw new MalformedText( characterPointer( text.start() ), "Unrecognized label in note carrier, expecting ‘note’" ); } cc.add( nC.labelWhenPresent ); bCommandEnd = b; if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, dcc ))) b = pAC.appendAny( b, dcc, nC ); }} nC.command.text.delimit( bCommand, bCommandEnd ); cc.flush(); if( b < segmentEnd ) throw unexpectedTerm( characterPointer( b )); assert b == segmentEnd: parseEndsWithSegment(b); dcc.flush(); } /** Reads through any fractal segment located at `segmentStart`, beginning at the present buffer * position, and sets the remainder of its determining bounds. Ensure before calling this method * that the following are updated.
    * *
  • `{@linkplain #fractumStart fractumStart}`
  • *
  • `{@linkplain #fractumIndentWidth fractumIndentWidth}`
  • *
  • `{@linkplain #fractumLineCounter fractumLineCounter}`
  • *
  • `{@linkplain #segmentStart segmentStart}`
* *

Also ensure that:

    * *
  • `{@linkplain #fractumLineEnds fractumLineEnds}` is empty in the case of a segment * that begins a new fractum, and
  • *
  • the buffer is positioned at the `{@linkplain #segmentEndIndicant segmentEndIndicant}` * of the preceding segment, or at zero in case of a new text source.
* *

This method updates the following.

    * *
  • `{@linkplain #fractumLineEnds fractumLineEnds}`
  • *
  • `{@linkplain #segmentEnd segmentEnd}`
  • *
  • `{@linkplain #segmentEndIndicant segmentEndIndicant}`
  • *
  • `{@linkplain #segmentEndIndicantChar segmentEndIndicantChar}`
* *

And, in case of a buffer shift:

    * *
  • `{@linkplain #xunc} xunc`
* *

Moreover if the shift happens while delimiting a divider segment, then for each segment `s` * of `{@linkplain #basicDivision basicDivision}.components`, this method updates:

    * *
  • `{@linkplain DividerSegment s}.text.start`
  • *
  • `{@linkplain DividerSegment s}.text.end`
* *

Always the first call to this method for a new source of text will determine the bounds * of the file head. For a headless file, the first call returns with `segmentEnd` equal * to `segmentStart`, so treating the non-existent head as though it were a segment of zero extent. * All other calls result in bounds of positive extent.

* *

This method may shift the contents of the buffer, rendering invalid all buffer offsets * save those recorded in the fields named above.

* * @throws ForbiddenWhitespace For any forbidden whitespace detected from the initial * buffer position through the newly determined `segmentEndIndicant`. * @throws MalformedText For any misplaced no-break space that occurs from the initial buffer * position through the newly determined `segmentEndIndicant`, except on the first line of * a point, where instead `{@linkplain #reifyPoint(int) reifyPoint}` polices this offence. * @throws MalformedText For any malformed line break that occurs from the initial * buffer position through the newly determined `segmentEndIndicant`. */ private void delimitSegment() throws ParseError { assert segmentStart != fractumStart || fractumLineEnds.isEmpty(); final boolean isFileHead = fractumIndentWidth < 0; assert buffer.position() == (isFileHead ? 0 : segmentEndIndicant); int lineStart = segmentStart; // [ABP] assert lineStart == 0 || completesNewline(buffer.get(lineStart-1)); /* Either the preceding text is unreachable (does not exist, or lies outside the buffer) or it comprises a newline. */ boolean inMargin = isFileHead; /* True while blindly scanning a left margin, where the next `get` might yield either an indent space or the indented, initial character of the line. */ int indentAccumulator = 0; // What reveals the end boundary of the segment. boolean inPerfectlyIndentedBackslashes = false; boolean inIndentedBackslashes = false; boolean inCommentBlock = false; // Scanning where `gets` may yield block commentary. for( char ch = '\u0000', chLast = '\u0000';; chLast = ch ) { // Scan character by character: // ════════════════════════ // Keep the buffer supplied // ════════════════════════ if( !buffer.hasRemaining() ) { // Redundant only on the first pass with a new `sourceReader`. // Prepare buffer for refill // ────────────── final int capacity = buffer.capacity(); if( fractumStart == 0 ) { // Then maybe the last fill was partial and capacity remains. if( buffer.limit() == capacity ) throw new OverlargeHead( fractumLineNumber() ); buffer.limit( capacity ); } // Ready to refill. else if( capacity - buffer.limit() >= bufferHeadRoom ) { buffer.limit( capacity ); } // Ready to refill. else { // Shift out predecessor text, freeing buffer space: final int shift = fractumStart; // To put the (partly read) present fractum at zero. buffer.position( shift ).compact(); // Shifted and limit extended, ready to refill. xunc += shift; fractumStart = 0; // Or `fractumStart -= shift`, so adjust the other variables: segmentStart -= shift; if( isDividerDrawing( segmentEndIndicantChar )) { // Then in a division. final var segments = basicDivision.components; for( int s = segments.size() - 1; s >= 0; --s ) { final var sText = segments.get(s).text; sText.project( sText.start() - shift, sText.length() ); }} final int[] endsArray = fractumLineEnds.array; for( int e = fractumLineEnds.length - 1; e >= 0; --e ) { endsArray[e] -= shift; } lineStart -= shift; } // Refill buffer, or detect exhaustion of the text source // ───────────── assert buffer.hasRemaining(); // Not yet full, that is. buffer.mark(); final int count; { try { count = transferDirectly( sourceReader, buffer ); } catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); }} final int p = buffer.position(); buffer.limit( p ).reset(); // Whether to resume scanning, or regardless for consistency. if( count < 0 ) { // Then the text source is exhausted. if( impliesWithoutCompletingNewline( ch )) { // So ends with e.g. a carriage return. throw truncatedNewline( characterPointer(), ch ); } segmentEnd = segmentEndIndicant = p; segmentEndIndicantChar = '\u0000'; fractumLineEnds.add( segmentEnd ); /* The end of the final line. All lines end with a newline (and so were counted already) except the final line, which never does. */ break; } // Segment end boundary = end of text source. if( count == 0 ) throw new IllegalStateException(); } // Undefined in the `Reader` API, given the buffer `hasRemaining` space. // ═════════════════════════════ // Scan forward by one character, seeking the end boundary of the segment // ═════════════════════════════ ch = buffer.get(); // Detect any line break // ───────────────────── if( completesNewline( ch )) { // Then record the fact: lineStart = buffer.position(); fractumLineEnds.add( lineStart ); inMargin = true; indentAccumulator = 0; // Thus far. inPerfectlyIndentedBackslashes = inIndentedBackslashes = false; inCommentBlock = false; continue; } if( impliesWithoutCompletingNewline( ch )) continue; // To its completion. if( impliesWithoutCompletingNewline( chLast )) { // Then its completion has failed. throw truncatedNewline( characterPointerBack(), chLast ); } // Or forbidden whitespace // ─────────────────────── if( ch != ' ' && yetIsGenerallyWhitespace(ch) ) { // A partial test, limited to Unicode plane zero, pending a cause to suffer // the added complexity and potential speed drag of testing full code points. throw new ForbiddenWhitespace( characterPointerBack(), ch ); } // Or the end boundary // ─────────────────── if( inMargin ) { // Then detect any perfect indent that marks the end boundary: if( ch == ' ' ) { ++indentAccumulator; continue; } // To any indented, initial character of the line. if( ch != /*no-break space*/'\u00A0' ) { // Viz. not an indent blind. if( indentAccumulator % 4 == /*perfect*/0 ) { if( ch != '\\' ) { segmentEnd = lineStart; segmentEndIndicant = lineStart + indentAccumulator; assert segmentEndIndicant == buffer.position() - 1; // Where `ch` is. segmentEndIndicantChar = ch; // Segment end boundary = either a divider, break; } // or a point with a non-backslashed bullet. inPerfectlyIndentedBackslashes = inIndentedBackslashes = true; } /* Indicating either a comment-block delimiter, or the beginning of a backslashed bullet. */ else if( ch == '\\' ) inIndentedBackslashes = true; } // Indicating the beginning of inMargin = false; } // a comment-block delimiter. else if( inPerfectlyIndentedBackslashes ) { if( ch == '\\' ) continue; // To the end of the backslash sequence. if( ch != ' ' ) { segmentEnd = lineStart; segmentEndIndicant = lineStart + indentAccumulator; segmentEndIndicantChar = buffer.get( segmentEndIndicant ); break; } // Segment end boundary = point with a backslashed bullet. inPerfectlyIndentedBackslashes = inIndentedBackslashes = false; inCommentBlock = true; } // Or a misplaced no-break space // ───────────────────────────── else if( inIndentedBackslashes ) { if( ch == '\\' ) continue; // To the end of the backslash sequence. if( ch == ' ' ) inCommentBlock = true; else if( ch == '\u00A0' ) { // A no-break space. assert isFileHead || !fractumLineEnds.isEmpty(); /* The sequence of backslashes lies either in the file head or a line after the first line of the segment. Nowhere else could imperfectly indented backslashes occur. So either way, this no-break space lies outside of the first line of a point where `reifyPoint` does the policing. No need ∴ to guard against trespassing on its jurisdiction. */ throw misplacedNoBreakSpace( characterPointerBack() ); } inIndentedBackslashes = false; } else if( ch == '\u00A0' ) { // A no-break space not `inMargin` ∴ delimiting no indent blind. if( inCommentBlock ) continue; if( !isFileHead && !isDividerDrawing(segmentEndIndicantChar) // In a point head, && fractumLineEnds.isEmpty() ) { // on the first line. continue; } // Leaving the first line of this point to be policed by `reifyPoint`. throw misplacedNoBreakSpace( characterPointerBack() ); }}} /** Ensures this cursor is rendered unusable for the present text source, * e.g. owing to an irrecoverable parse error. */ private void disable() { if( state != null && state.isFinal() ) return; // Already this cursor is effectively unusable. basicHalt.commit(); } /** The offset from the start of the present fractum to its first non-space character. This is -4 in * the case of the file fractum, a multiple of four (including zero) in the case of body fracta. */ @Subst int fractumIndentWidth; /** The number of lines before the present fractum. */ private @Subst int fractumLineCounter; /** The end boundaries of the lines of the present fractal head, each a buffer position. * * @see Java.TextLineLocator#endsRegional */ @Subst final IntArrayExtensor fractumLineEnds = new IntArrayExtensor( new int[0x100] ); // = 256 // Each an adjustable buffer position. [ABP] /** The ordinal number of the first line of the present fractum. * Lines are numbered beginning at one. */ final @Subst int fractumLineNumber() { return fractumLineCounter + 1; } /** The start position in the buffer of the present fractum, if any, * which is the position of its first character. */ private @Subst int fractumStart; // [ABP] /** A record in list form of the present fractum’s indent and line of descent. * The indent (as measured in spatial tetrads) it records by way of list size: * `hierarchy.size - 1 == fractumIndentWidth / 4`. Descent it records by list entries * each at an index equal to the descendant’s indent in spatial tetrads beginning with * the top descendant (least descended) and ending with the present fractum (most) * at index `hierarchy.size - 1`. Unoccupied indents it records as null entries. * * @see #fractumIndentWidth */ final @Subst ArrayList hierarchy = new ArrayList<>(); private final BlockParser indentBlindParser = new IndentBlindParser(); private final LabelTermParser labelTermParser = new LabelTermParser(); private final LineLocator lineLocator = new LineLocator(); /** A list of the recognized modifiers for regular-expression pattern matching. Parser extensions * may modify this list at any time prior to parsing. */ protected String matchModifiers = "isp"; private void _next() throws ParseError { /* Below and above, in the left margin, an empty comment marks each point of commitment to a new parse state. */ assert !state.isFinal(); if( segmentEnd == buffer.limit() ) { // Then no fracta remain. while( fractumIndentWidth >= 0 ) { // Unwind and recursively end any final body fractum. fractumIndentWidth -= 4; final Hierarch past = hierarchy.remove( hierarchy.size() - 1 ); if( past != null ) { /**/ past.pendingEnd.commit(); sourceSpooler.hierarch.rewind( past ); return; }} /**/ basicFileFractum.end.commit(); rest(); return; } final int nextIndentWidth = segmentEndIndicant - segmentEnd; /* The offset from the start of the next fractum (`segmentEnd`) to its first non-space character (`segmentEndIndicant`). */ assert nextIndentWidth >= 0 && nextIndentWidth % 4 == 0; /* The start of a body fractum — more specifically of a point head or divider segment — indicated by a perfect indent. */ if( !state.isInitial() ) { // Then unwind and recursively end any previous sibling. while( fractumIndentWidth >= nextIndentWidth ) { /* For its own purposes, this loop maintains the records of `fractumIndentWidth` and `hierarchy` even through the ending states of a previous sibling, during which they are meaningless for their intended purposes. */ fractumIndentWidth -= 4; final Hierarch past = hierarchy.remove( hierarchy.size() - 1 ); if( past != null ) { /**/ past.pendingEnd.commit(); sourceSpooler.hierarch.rewind( past ); return; }}} // Changing what follows? Sync → `_source`. spooler.rewind(); fractumStart = segmentEnd; // It starts at the end boundary of the present segment. fractumIndentWidth = nextIndentWidth; fractumLineCounter += fractumLineEnds.length; /* Its line number is the line number of the present fractum plus the *line count* of the present fractal head. */ fractumLineEnds.clear(); if( isDividerDrawing( segmentEndIndicantChar )) { /* Then next is a divider segment, starting a division whose head comprises all contiguous divider segments. */ int segmentIndentWidth = nextIndentWidth; basicDivision.components.clear(); for( ;; ) { // Scan through and ready each divider segment. nextSegment(); buffer.rewind(); // Concordant with `buffer` contract. readyDividerSegment( segmentIndentWidth ); if( !isDividerDrawing( segmentEndIndicantChar )) break; segmentIndentWidth = segmentEndIndicant - segmentEnd; /* Same as the calculation of `nextIndentWidth`, described further above. */ assert segmentIndentWidth >= 0 && segmentIndentWidth % 4 == 0; } // Perfectly indented. readyDivision(); /**/ basicDivision.commit(); } else { // Next is a point. nextSegment(); // Scan through to the end boundary of its head. buffer.rewind(); // Concordant with `buffer` contract. /**/ reifyPoint().commit(); } final int i = fractumIndentWidth / 4; // Indent in spatial tetrads, that is. while( hierarchy.size() < i ) hierarchy.add( null ); // Padding for unoccupied ancestral indents. hierarchy.add( sourceSpooler.hierarch.unwind().set() ); } private void nextSegment() throws ParseError { buffer.position( segmentEndIndicant ); // Changing what follows? Sync → `_source`. segmentStart = segmentEnd; delimitSegment(); } private String parseEndsWithSegment( final int b ) { return "Parse ends with the segment\n" + characterPointer(b).markedLine(); } /** Readies and adds a divider segment to `basicDivision`. Ensure before calling this method * that all cursor fields other than `hierarchy` and `state` are initialized. * * @see Division_.DividerSegment_#indentWidth */ private void readyDividerSegment( final int indentWidth ) { final DividerSegment_ segment = basicDivision.components.add(); segment.text.delimit( segmentStart, segmentEnd ); /* Position nothing else in advance of a potential `delimitSegment` which, in the event of a buffer shift, will *shift* nothing else. */ segment.indentWidth = indentWidth; } /* Meantime record this for use in delimiting the perfect indent later, when its final position is known. */ /** Readies `basicDivision` to be committed as the present parse state. * Ensure before calling this method that all other cursor fields are initialized save `hierarchy`. */ private void readyDivision() { basicDivision.text.delimit( fractumStart, segmentEnd ); } // Proper to fracta. /** Readies `basicFileFractum` to be committed as the present parse state. * Ensure before calling this method that all other cursor fields are initialized save `hierarchy`. */ private void readyFileFractum() { assert fractumLineNumber() == 1; // Concordant with `FileFractum.lineNumber`. final FileFractum_ f = basicFileFractum; assert fractumStart == 0; f.text.delimit( 0, segmentEnd ); } // Proper to fracta. private final ObjectClauseLocantParser objectClauseLocantParser = new ObjectClauseLocantParser(); /** Parses enough of a command point to learn its concrete type and return its parse state * ready to commit. This method is a subroutine of `reifyPoint`. * * @param bullet The buffer position of the bullet. * @param bulletEnd The buffer position just after the bullet, viz. its end boundary. * Already it is known (and asserted) to hold a plain space character. */ private CommandPoint_ reifyCommandPoint( final int bullet, final int bulletEnd ) throws MalformedText { int b = bulletEnd + 1; // Past the known space character. b = throughAnyS( b ); // Past any others. xSeq.delimit( b, b = termParser.through(b) ); final DelimitableCharSequence privately; final DelimitableCharSequence keyword; if( equalInContent( "privately", xSeq )) { privately = xSeq; b = throughS( b ); ySeq.delimit( b, b = termParser.through(b) ); keyword = ySeq; } else { privately = null; keyword = xSeq; } // Resolve the concrete parse state // ──────────────────────────────── b = binarySearch( commandPointKeywords, keyword, CharSequence::compare ); final CommandPoint_ p = b >= 0 ? commandPoints[b] : basicPlainCommandPoint; // Delimit therein the components already parsed, for they are proper to all types of command point // ────────────────────────────── p.text.delimit( fractumStart, segmentEnd ); // Proper to fracta. p.perfectIndent.text.delimit( /*0*/fractumStart, /*1*/bullet ); // Proper to body fracta. p.bullet .text.delimit( /*1*/bullet, /*2*/bulletEnd ); p.descriptor() .text.delimit( /*2*/bulletEnd, /*3*/segmentEnd ); if( privately != null ) { p.modifiers.add( "privately" ); xuncPrivatized.add( p.xunc() ); } else p.modifiers.clear(); p.keyword.delimitAs( keyword ); // Ready to commit // ─────────────── return p; } /** Parses enough of a point other than a command point to learn its concrete type and return * its parse state ready to commit. This method is a subroutine of `reifyPoint`. * * @param bullet The buffer position of the bullet. * @param bulletEnd The buffer position just after the bullet, viz. its end boundary. * @param mightBeSpecial Whether the point might be special: an alarm, aside or task point. */ private NonCommandPoint reifyNonCommandPoint( final int bullet, final int bulletEnd, final boolean mightBeSpecial ) { // Resolve the concrete parse state // ──────────────────────────────── final NonCommandPoint p; if( mightBeSpecial ) { final char chLast = buffer.get( bulletEnd - 1 ); if( chLast == '+' ) p = basicTaskPoint; else if( bulletEnd - bullet/*length*/ == 1 ) { if( chLast == '/' ) p = basicAsidePoint; else p = basicPlainPoint; } else if( chLast == '!' && buffer.get(bulletEnd-2) == '!' ) p = basicAlarmPoint; else p = basicPlainPoint; } else p = basicPlainPoint; // Therein delimit the components proper to all types of non-command point, and already parsed // ────────────────────────────── final DelimitableGranumList cc = p.components; assert cc.sizeLimit() == 3; // Accordingly, numeric literals are used below. p .text.delimit( fractumStart, segmentEnd ); // Proper to fracta. p.perfectIndent.text.delimit( /*0*/fractumStart, /*1*/bullet ); // Proper to body fracta. p.bullet .text.delimit( /*1*/bullet, /*2*/bulletEnd ); if( bulletEnd < segmentEnd ) { final var d = p.descriptorWhenPresent; d .text.delimit( /*2*/bulletEnd, /*3*/segmentEnd ); cc.end( 3 ); // Extended to include the descriptor. p.descriptor = d; } else { // A descriptorless point at file end. assert bulletEnd == segmentEnd; cc.end( 2 ); // Retracted to exclude the descriptor. p.descriptor = null; } // Ready to commit // ─────────────── return p; } /** Parses enough of a point to learn its concrete type and return its parse state ready to commit. * Ensure before calling this method that all other cursor fields are initialized save `hierarchy`. * * @throws MalformedText For any misplaced no-break space occuring on the same line. Note * that elsewhere `{@linkplain #delimitSegment() delimitSegment}` polices this offence. */ private Point_ reifyPoint() throws MalformedText { final int bullet = fractumStart + fractumIndentWidth; // Find the end boundary of the bullet // ───────────────────── int b = bullet; // The last parsed position. BulletEndSeeker endSeeker = null; // Any that finds the end by a comment appender or line end. final int bulletEnd; final boolean wasLineEndFound; { int chLast = codePointAt( buffer, b ); // Invariant: always `chLast` holds a non-whitespace character internal to the bullet. // Reading by full code point in order accurately to test for alphanumeric characters. // Advancing by full cluster in order to apply that test to base characters alone. final Matcher mCluster = bufferClusterMatcher.region( b, buffer.limit() ); for( ;; ) { mCluster.find(); // Succeeds, else the following throws `IllegalStateException`. b = mCluster.end(); // The cluster-aware equivalent of `b += charCount(chLast)`. if( b >= segmentEnd ) { assert b == segmentEnd: "No character straddles the boundary of a fractal segment"; wasLineEndFound = true; // Ends at head end. break; } int ch = codePointAt( buffer, b ); if( impliesNewline( ch )) { wasLineEndFound = true; // Ends at line break. break; } if( isAlphabetic(chLast) || isDigit(chLast) ) { // Then `chLast` is alphanumeric. if( ch == ' ' ) { final var s = bulletEndSeeker; s.seekFromSpace( b ); if( s.wasAppenderFound ) { wasLineEndFound = false; // Ends at comment appender. endSeeker = s; break; } if( s.wasLineEndFound ) { wasLineEndFound = true; // Ends at line break or head end. endSeeker = s; break; } b = s.bNextNonSpace; chLast = codePointAt( buffer, b ); continue; } if( ch == '\u00A0' ) throw misplacedNoBreakSpace( characterPointer( b )); } else { // `chLast` is non-alphanumeric and (by contract) non-whitespace. if( ch == ' ' ) { wasLineEndFound = false; // Ends at space. break; } if( ch == '\u00A0'/*no-break space*/ ) { final var s = bulletEndSeeker; s.seekFromNoBreakSpace( b ); if( s.wasAppenderFound ) { wasLineEndFound = false; // Ends at comment appender. endSeeker = s; break; } if( s.wasLineEndFound ) { wasLineEndFound = true; // Ends at line break or head end. endSeeker = s; break; } b = s.bNextNonSpace; chLast = codePointAt( buffer, b ); continue; }} chLast = ch; } bulletEnd = b; } // Police any remainder of the bullet line for misplaced no-break spaces // ──────────────────── if( !wasLineEndFound ) { if( endSeeker == null ) { assert !impliesNewline( buffer.get( b )); // Not to fall outside the line. ++b; } // To the next unparsed position. else { assert endSeeker.wasAppenderFound; b = endSeeker.bDelimiterFullEnd; } for(; b < segmentEnd; ++b ) { final char ch = buffer.get( b ); if( impliesNewline( ch )) break; if( ch == '\u00A0' ) throw misplacedNoBreakSpace( characterPointer( b )); }} // Resolve the concrete parse state // ──────────────────────────────── final boolean mightBeSpecial = endSeeker == null; /* Whether the point might be special (alarm, aside, command or task point). Its bullet would have to end with a non-alphanumeric character (‘!’, ‘/’, ‘:’ or ‘+’) and not be directly followed by a no-break space. With the code above, this combination occurs only with `endSeeker == null`, which test suffices to guard against the presence of a no-break space after a bullet of any form. So assert: */ assert !(mightBeSpecial && bulletEnd < segmentEnd && buffer.get(bulletEnd) == '\u00A0'); final Point_ p; if( mightBeSpecial && bulletEnd - bullet/*length*/ == 1 && buffer.get(bullet) == ':' ) { if( wasLineEndFound ) throw termExpected( characterPointer( b )); // The bullet ends directly at the line end, with no intervening command. assert buffer.get(bulletEnd) == ' '; // The only remaining case. p = reifyCommandPoint( bullet, bulletEnd ); } else p = reifyNonCommandPoint( bullet, bulletEnd, mightBeSpecial ); // Ready to commit // ─────────────── return p; } /** The recognized qualifiers of file locants. Parser extensions may modify this list * at any time prior to parsing. */ protected final ArrayList fileLocantQualifiers = // A list as opposed to a set new ArrayList<>( fileLocantQualifiers_initialCapacity ); { // for sake of fast iteration. fileLocantQualifiers.add( "non-fractal" ); } final static int fileLocantQualifiers_initialCapacity = 4; private final void rest() { sort( xuncPrivatized.array, 0, xuncPrivatized.length ); } // As per API. /** The end boundary in the buffer of the present fractal segment, which is the position * after its final character. This is zero in case of an empty text source * or headless file fractum, the only cases of a zero length fractal segment. * If the value here is the buffer limit, then no segment remains in the text source. */ @Subst int segmentEnd; /** The buffer position of the first non-space character of the present fractal segment’s * linear-order successor, or the buffer limit failing a successor. */ private @Subst int segmentEndIndicant; /** The character at `segmentEndIndicant`, or the null character (00) if there is none. */ private char segmentEndIndicantChar; /** The start position in the buffer of the present fractal segment, if any, * which is the position of its first character. */ private @Subst int segmentStart; // [ABP] private void _source( final Reader r ) throws ParseError { sourceReader = r; sourceSpooler.rewind(); xuncPrivatized.clear(); xunc = 0; final int count; { try { count = transferDirectly( sourceReader, buffer.clear() ); } catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); }} if( count < 0 ) { buffer.limit( 0 ); /**/ basicEmpty.commit(); rest(); return; } if( count == 0 ) throw new IllegalStateException(); // Forbidden by `Reader` for array reads. buffer.flip(); // Changing what follows? Sync → `_next`. spooler.rewind(); fractumStart = 0; fractumIndentWidth = -4; fractumLineCounter = 0; fractumLineEnds.clear(); { // Changing this part of it? Sync → `nextSegment`. segmentStart = segmentEnd = segmentEndIndicant = 0; delimitSegment(); } buffer.rewind(); // Concordant with `buffer` contract. readyFileFractum(); /**/ basicFileFractum.commit(); hierarchy.clear(); } private Reader sourceReader; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final SourceSpooler sourceSpooler = new SourceSpooler( this ); @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") final FractalSpooler spooler = new FractalSpooler( this ); private ParseState state; private final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder( /*initial capacity*/bufferHeadRoom ); private final StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder( /*initial capacity*/bufferHeadRoom ); private final TermParser termParser = new TermParser(); /** Scans through any bracketed NAME of a ‘${NAME}’ variable interpolator at buffer position `b`, * beginning with the ‘{’ delimitier. Already the character before `b` is known to be `$`. * * @return The end boundary of the variable interpolator, or `b` if none was found. */ private int throughAnyBracketedVariableName( final int b ) { v: if( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '{' ) { int v = b + 1; for( final int nameStart = v;; ++v ) { if( v >= segmentEnd ) break v; final char ch = buffer.get( v ); if( ch == '\\' || ch == '`' || impliesNewline(ch) ) break v; if( ch == '}' ) { if( v > nameStart ) return v + 1; break v; }}} return b; } /** Scans through any sequence of divider drawing characters at buffer position `b`. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence, or `b` if none was found. */ private int throughAnyDrawing( int b ) { while( b < segmentEnd && isDividerDrawing(buffer.get(b)) ) ++b; return b; } /** Scans through any newline at buffer position `b`. * * @return The end boundary of the newline, or `b` if none was found. */ private int throughAnyNewline( int b ) { for(; b < segmentEnd; ++b ) { final char ch = buffer.get( b ); if( completesNewline( ch )) { ++b; // Past the newline. break; } if( !impliesWithoutCompletingNewline( ch )) break; } return b; } /** Scans through any sequence of newlines at buffer position `b`. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence, or `b` if none was found. */ private int throughAnyNewlines( int b ) { while( b < segmentEnd && impliesNewline(buffer.get(b)) ) ++b; /* This implies a sequence of well-formed newlines only because already `delimitSegment` has tested for malformed ones. */ return b; } /** Scans through any sequence at buffer position `b` of plain space characters, * namely ‘S’ in the language definition. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence, or `b` if none was found. */ private int throughAnyS( int b ) { while( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == ' ' ) ++b; return b; } /** Scans through the bracketed qualifier of a ‘\N{⋯}’ sequence at buffer position `b`, * beginning with the ‘{’ delimitier. * * @see * Named or numbered characters * @return The end boundary of the qualifier, after the terminal ‘}’. * @throws MalformedText If no such qualifier occurs at `b`. */ private int throughBackslashedSpecialNQualifier( int b ) throws MalformedText { if( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '{' ) ++b; else throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Curly bracket ‘{’ expected" ); final int bContent = b; // Subsequent to the opening ‘{’ delimiter. boolean inNumeric = false; // Whether the content begins ‘U+’, denoting a numbered qualifier. for( char ch = '\u0000', chLast = '\u0000'; b < segmentEnd; chLast = ch, ++b ) { ch = buffer.get( b ); if( impliesNewline( ch )) break; if( ch == '}' ) { if( inNumeric ) { if( b - bContent < 3 ) { throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Hexadecimal digit expected" ); }} else if( b == bContent ) { throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Empty qualifier" ); } return ++b; } if( ch == '+' && chLast == 'U' && b - bContent == 1 ) inNumeric = true; else if( inNumeric ) { if( !( '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'F' || 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'f' )) { throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Hexadecimal digit expected" ); }} else if( !( 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z' || b > bContent && ( '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' || ch == ' ' || ch == '-' ))) { // See Names § 4.8, `` throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Character not allowed here, Unicode " + (int)ch ); }} throw truncatedPattern( characterPointer( b )); } /** Scans through a sequence at buffer position `b` of plain space characters, * namely ‘S’ in the language definition. * * @return The end boundary of the sequence. * @throws MalformedText If no such sequence occurs at `b`. */ private int throughS( int b ) throws MalformedText { if( b /*moved*/!= (b = throughAnyS( b ))) return b; throw spaceExpected( characterPointer( b )); } private final DelimitableCharSequence xSeq = newDelimitableCharSequence( buffer ); // A shared, reusable instance. /** The offset of the read buffer from the start of the text source, in UTF-16 code units. * This tells how far the buffer has been shifted by `delimitSegment`. * * @see Granum#xunc() * @see #buffer */ int xunc; /** Extensible array of xunc offsets of directly privatized fracta. That of any file fractum * is entered as -1. The array may contain duplicate entries. On any final parse state * other than `Halt`, the array is sorted in ascending order. */ final IntArrayExtensor xuncPrivatized = new IntArrayExtensor( new int[0x400] ); // = 1024 private final DelimitableCharSequence ySeq = newDelimitableCharSequence( buffer ); // Shared reusable instance // ┈┈┈ s t a t e t y p i n g ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ final void afterlinker( Afterlinker_ r ) { afterlinker = r; } private Afterlinker_ afterlinker; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final Afterlinker_ basicAfterlinker = new Afterlinker_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void afterlinkerEnd( Afterlinker.End e ) { afterlinkerEnd = e; } private Afterlinker.End afterlinkerEnd; final void alarmPoint( AlarmPoint p ) { alarmPoint = p; } private AlarmPoint alarmPoint; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final AlarmPoint_ basicAlarmPoint = new AlarmPoint_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void alarmPointEnd( AlarmPoint.End e ) { alarmPointEnd = e; } private AlarmPoint.End alarmPointEnd; final void asidePoint( AsidePoint p ) { asidePoint = p; } private AsidePoint asidePoint; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final AsidePoint_ basicAsidePoint = new AsidePoint_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void asidePointEnd( AsidePoint.End e ) { asidePointEnd = e; } private AsidePoint.End asidePointEnd; final void bodyFractum( BodyFractum_ f ) { bodyFractum = f; } private BodyFractum_ bodyFractum; final void bodyFractumEnd( BodyFractum.End e ) { bodyFractumEnd = e; } private BodyFractum.End bodyFractumEnd; final void commandPoint( CommandPoint_ p ) { commandPoint = p; } private CommandPoint_ commandPoint; final void commandPointEnd( CommandPoint.End e ) { commandPointEnd = e; } private CommandPoint.End commandPointEnd; final void division( Division_ d ) { division = d; } private Division_ division; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final Division_ basicDivision = new Division_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void divisionEnd( Division.End e ) { divisionEnd = e; } private Division.End divisionEnd; final void empty( Empty e ) { state = empty = e; } private Empty empty; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final Empty_ basicEmpty = new Empty_( this ); // [CIC] final void fileFractum( FileFractum_ f ) { fileFractum = f; } private FileFractum_ fileFractum; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final FileFractum_ basicFileFractum = new FileFractum_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void fileFractumEnd( FileFractum.End e ) { fileFractumEnd = e; } private FileFractum.End fileFractumEnd; final void fractum( Fractum_ f ) { state = fractum = f; } private Fractum_ fractum; final void fractumEnd( Fractum.End e ) { state = fractumEnd = e; } private Fractum.End fractumEnd; final void halt( Halt e ) { state = halt = e; } private Halt halt; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final Halt_ basicHalt = new Halt_( this ); // [CIC] final void noteCarrier( NoteCarrier_ r ) { noteCarrier = r; } private NoteCarrier_ noteCarrier; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final NoteCarrier_ basicNoteCarrier = new NoteCarrier_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void noteCarrierEnd( NoteCarrier.End e ) { noteCarrierEnd = e; } private NoteCarrier.End noteCarrierEnd; final void plainCommandPoint( PlainCommandPoint p ) { plainCommandPoint = p; } private PlainCommandPoint plainCommandPoint; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final PlainCommandPoint_ basicPlainCommandPoint // [CIC] = new PlainCommandPoint_( this ).endSet(); final void plainCommandPointEnd( PlainCommandPoint.End e ) { plainCommandPointEnd = e; } private PlainCommandPoint.End plainCommandPointEnd; final void plainPoint( PlainPoint p ) { plainPoint = p; } private PlainPoint plainPoint; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final PlainPoint_ basicPlainPoint = new PlainPoint_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void plainPointEnd( PlainPoint.End e ) { plainPointEnd = e; } private PlainPoint.End plainPointEnd; final void point( Point_ p ) { point = p; } private Point_ point; final void pointEnd( Point.End e ) { pointEnd = e; } private Point.End pointEnd; final void privatizer( Privatizer p ) { privatizer = p; } private Privatizer privatizer; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final Privatizer_ basicPrivatizer = new Privatizer_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void privatizerEnd( Privatizer.End e ) { privatizerEnd = e; } private Privatizer.End privatizerEnd; final void taskPoint( TaskPoint p ) { taskPoint = p; } private TaskPoint taskPoint; @SuppressWarnings("this-escape") private final TaskPoint_ basicTaskPoint = new TaskPoint_( this ).endSet(); // [CIC] final void taskPointEnd( TaskPoint.End e ) { taskPointEnd = e; } private TaskPoint.End taskPointEnd; // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** A parser of appendage clauses in command points. */ private class AppendageParser { /** @return The end boundary of the appendage clause. */ protected int append( int b, final List grana, final CommandPoint_ p ) throws MalformedText { final CommandPoint_.AppendageClause_ cA = p.appendageClauseWhenPresent; final int a = b; cA.delimiter.text.delimit( a, ++b ); final CoalescentGranalList cc = cA.appendage.components; cc.clear(); b = appendP( b, cc ); b = appendTerm( b, cc ); while( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, cc )) && b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyTerm( b, cc ))); cA.appendage.text.delimit( a + 1, b ); cc.flush(); cA.text.delimit( a, b ); grana.add( p.appendageClause = cA ); return b; } /** Parses any appendage clause the delimiter of which (‘:’) would begin at buffer position `b`, * adding it to the given granum list and assigning it to `p.appendageClause`. * Already the text before `b` is known to be well formed for the purpose. * *

If no appendage clause is found, this method assigns null to `p.appendageClause`.

* * @return The end boundary of the appendage clause, or `b` if none was found. */ int appendAny( final int b, final List grana, final CommandPoint_ p ) throws MalformedText { if( isDelimiterAt( b )) return append( b, grana, p ); p.appendageClause = null; return b; } protected final boolean isDelimiterAt( final int b ) { final int c = b + 1; return c < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == ':' && isPlainWhitespace(buffer.get(c)); }} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ private final class AppendageParserC extends AppendageParser { protected @Override int append( int b, final List grana, final CommandPoint_ p ) throws MalformedText { assert !wasAppended; b = super.append( b, grana, p ); wasAppended = true; return b; } /** {@inheritDoc}

This method simply returns `b` if already an appendage clause * `{@linkplain #wasAppended wasAppended}`.

*/ @Override int appendAny( final int b, final List grana, final CommandPoint_ p ) throws MalformedText { if( wasAppended ) return b; return super.appendAny( b, grana, p ); } /** Parses any postgap at buffer position `b`, with or without a succeeding appendage clause, * appending the result to one of two given granum lists. Four normal cases are possible:
    * *
  1. Neither postgap nor appendage clause is present, in which case this method * simply returns `b`.
  2. *
  3. A non-terminal postgap alone is present, in which case this method equates to * `appendAnyP(b, innerGrana)`.
  4. *
  5. A terminal postgap alone is present, in which case this method equates to * `appendAnyP(b, outerGrana)`.
  6. *
  7. Both postgap and appendage clause are present, in which case this method equates to * appendP(b, outerGrana); appendAny(b, outerGrana, p)`.
* * @param outerGrana The component list of the command-point descriptor. * @param innerGrana The component list of the command in the command-point descriptor. * @return The end boundary of the appended text, or `b` if none was appended. * @throws IllegalStateException If already an appendage clause * `{@linkplain #wasAppended wasAppended}`. */ int appendAnyP_AnyClause( int b, final CoalescentGranalList outerGrana, final CoalescentGranalList innerGrana, final CommandPoint_ p ) throws MalformedText { if( wasAppended ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Appendage clause already appended" ); cachedGrana.clear(); if( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyP( b, cachedGrana ))) { cachedGrana.flush(); if( b < segmentEnd ) { if( isDelimiterAt( b )) { // Both a postgap and an appendage clause are present. outerGrana.addAll( cachedGrana ); b = append( b, outerGrana, p ); } else innerGrana.addAll( cachedGrana ); } // A non-terminal postgap alone is present. else outerGrana.addAll( cachedGrana ); } // A terminal postgap alone is present. return b; } /** Parses a postgap at buffer position `b`, with or without a succeeding appendage clause, * appending the result to one of two given granum lists. Three normal cases are possible:
    * *
  1. A non-terminal postgap alone is present, in which case this method equates to * `appendAnyP(b, innerGrana)`.
  2. *
  3. A terminal postgap alone is present, in which case this method equates to * `appendAnyP(b, outerGrana)`.
  4. *
  5. Both postgap and appendage clause are present, in which case this method equates to * appendP(b, outerGrana); appendAny(b, outerGrana, p)`.
* * @param outerGrana The component list of the command-point descriptor. * @param innerGrana The component list of the command in the command-point descriptor. * @return The end boundary of the appended text. * @throws IllegalStateException If already an appendage clause * `{@linkplain #wasAppended wasAppended}`. * @throws MalformedText If no postgap occurs at `b`. */ int appendP_AnyClause( final int b, final CoalescentGranalList outerGrana, final CoalescentGranalList innerGrana, final CommandPoint_ p ) throws MalformedText { final int c = appendAnyP_AnyClause( b, outerGrana, innerGrana, p ); if( c /*unmoved*/== b ) throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Postgap expected" ); return c; } private final CoalescentGranalList cachedGrana = new GranalArrayList( spooler ); /** Clears the state variables of this parser to their default values. */ void reset() { wasAppended = false; } /** Whether an appendage clause has been appended since the last reset of this parser. */ boolean wasAppended; } // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ private static abstract class BlockParser { /** Parses any block, the lead delimiter of which would begin with the known character * of buffer position `b`, adding it to the given granum list. Already the text * through `b` is known to be well formed for the purpose. * * @param bLine Buffer position of the start of the line wherein `b` lies. * @return The end boundary of the block, or `b` if none was found. */ abstract int appendIfDelimiter( int b, int bLine, List grana ); /** Set if the parse succeeds to the space-extended end boundary of the parsed block. * If a sequence of plain space characters (20) succeeds the block, then this records * the end boundary of that sequence; otherwise it records the end boundary of the block. */ int postSpaceEnd; } // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** A device to detect a comment appender or line end where it forms the end boundary of a bullet. */ private final class BulletEndSeeker { /** Set when `wasAppenderFound` to the full end boundary in the buffer of its delimiter. * If a plain space character (20) succeeds the delimiting backslash sequence, * then the full end boundary is the position subsequent to that space character, * otherwise the position subsequent to the backslash sequence. */ int bDelimiterFullEnd; /** Either the buffer position of the next non-space character (neither 20 nor A0), * or `buffer.limit`. */ int bNextNonSpace; /** Detects whether the known no-break space at `b` is followed by a plain space * and backslash sequence that delimits a comment appender, recording the result * in one or more fields of this seeker. * * @param b Buffer position of a (known) no-break space character. * @throws MalformedText On detection of a misplaced no-break space. */ void seekFromNoBreakSpace( int b ) throws MalformedText { assert b < segmentEnd; if( ++b == segmentEnd ) { wasAppenderFound = false; wasLineEndFound = true; } else { final char ch = buffer.charAt( b ); if( ch == ' ' ) { seekFromSpace( b ); if( wasLineEndFound || wasAppenderFound ) return; throw misplacedNoBreakSpace( characterPointer( b - 1 )); } if( impliesNewline( ch )) { wasAppenderFound = false; wasLineEndFound = true; } else { if( ch == '\u00A0' ) throw misplacedNoBreakSpace( characterPointer( b )); wasAppenderFound = false; wasLineEndFound = false; }} bNextNonSpace = b; } /** Detects whether the known, plain space beginning at `b` is followed by a backslash sequence * that delimits a comment appender, recording the result in one or more fields of this seeker. * * @param b Buffer position of a (known) plain space character. * @throws MalformedText On detection of a misplaced no-break space. */ void seekFromSpace( int b ) throws MalformedText { assert b < segmentEnd; for( ;; ) { if( ++b == segmentEnd ) { wasAppenderFound = false; wasLineEndFound = true; break; } final char ch = buffer.charAt( b ); if( ch != ' ' ) { if( ch == '\\' ) { wasAppenderFound = slashStartsDelimiter( b ); wasLineEndFound = false; } else if( impliesNewline( ch )) { wasAppenderFound = false; wasLineEndFound = true; } else { if( ch == '\u00A0' ) throw misplacedNoBreakSpace( characterPointer( b )); wasAppenderFound = false; wasLineEndFound = false; } break; }} bNextNonSpace = b; } /** Tells whether the known backslash at `b` starts the delimiter of a comment appender, * and updates `bDelimiterFullEnd` accordingly. Already the text through `b` * is known to be well formed for the purpose. * * @param b Buffer position of a (known) backslash character ‘\’. */ private boolean slashStartsDelimiter( int b ) { // Cf. the namesake of `CommentaryHoldDetector`. while( ++b < segmentEnd ) { final char ch = buffer.charAt( b ); if( ch != '\\' ) { if( ch == ' ' ) ++b; // Past the space character, concordant with the contract. else if( !impliesNewline( ch )) return false; break; }} bDelimiterFullEnd = b; return true; } /** Whether a comment appender was found. Never true when `wasLineEndFound`. */ boolean wasAppenderFound; /** Whether a line end was encountered. Never true when `wasAppenderFound`. */ boolean wasLineEndFound; } // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ private final class CommentaryHoldDetector { /** Delimits the text of `holder.c1_delimiter` and returns `delimiterEnd`. */ int delimit( final CommentaryHolder_ holder ) { holder.c1_delimiter.text.delimit( delimiterStart, delimiterEnd ); return delimiterEnd; } /** Set when `slashStartsDelimiter` to the end boundary in the buffer * of the backslash sequence that forms the delimiter. */ private int delimiterEnd; int delimiterLength() { return delimiterEnd - delimiterStart; } private int delimiterStart; /** Set when `slashStartsDelimiter` to tell whether the appender holds commentary. */ boolean hasDetectedCommentary; /** Tells whether the known backslash at `b` starts the delimiter of a comment appender, * and updates the fields of this detector accordingly. Already the text through `b` * is known to be well formed for the purpose. * * @param b Buffer position of a (known) backslash character ‘\’. */ boolean slashStartsDelimiter( int b ) { // Cf. the namesake of `BulletEndSeeker`. final int bOriginal = b; for( ;; ) { if( ++b >= segmentEnd ) { hasDetectedCommentary = false; delimiterEnd = b; break; } char ch = buffer.charAt( b ); if( ch != '\\' ) { final int a = b; if( ch == ' ' ) { b = throughAnyS( ++b ); if( b /*moved*/!= (b = throughAnyNewline( b ))) hasDetectedCommentary = false; else hasDetectedCommentary = b < segmentEnd; } else if(( b = throughAnyNewline( b )) /*unmoved*/== a ) return false; else hasDetectedCommentary = false; delimiterEnd = a; break; }} delimiterStart = bOriginal; whiteEnd = b; return true; } /** Set when `slashStartsDelimiter` to the end boundary in the buffer of colinear plain whitespace * subsequent to `delimiterEnd`, or to `delimiterEnd` if no such whitespace occurs. * Here ‘colinear’ implies at most a single terminal newline. */ int whiteEnd; } // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ private final class CommentBlockParser extends BlockParser { /** {@inheritDoc}

Here ‘lead delimiter’ means a backslash sequence * in the first line of the comment block.

*/ @Override int appendIfDelimiter( int b, int bLine, final List parentGrana ) { final CommentaryHoldDetector detector = commentaryHoldDetector; if( detector.slashStartsDelimiter( b )) { // Changing what follows? Sync → namesake method of `IndentBlindParser`. final int bBlock = bLine; final CommentBlock_ block = spooler.commentBlock.unwind(); final var blockGrana = block.components; blockGrana.clear(); for( ;; ) { final var line = spooler.commentBlockLine.unwind(); final DelimitableGranumList lineGrana = line.components; // `c0_white` // ────────── if( bLine < b/*delimiter*/ ) { lineGrana.start( 0 ); // The line starts with `c0_white`. line.c0_white.text.delimit( bLine, b ); } else lineGrana.start( 1 ); // It starts with `c1_delimiter`. // `c1_delimiter` through `c4_white` // ───────────────────────────────── line.text.delimit( bLine, b = compose( line )); if( detector.hasDetectedCommentary ) { line.c3_commentaryTagName( detector.delimiterLength() == 1 ? "Commentary" : "Label" ); } blockGrana.add( line ); // Toward the next line, if any // ──────────────────── final int d = throughAnyS( b ); // To the delimiter of any succeeding block line. if( d < segmentEnd && buffer.get(d) == '\\' && detector.slashStartsDelimiter(d) ) { bLine = b; b = d; } else { // The block has its end boundary at `b`. postSpaceEnd = d; break; }} block.text.delimit( bBlock, b ); parentGrana.add( block ); } return b; }} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** An entry in the hierarchy list representing a single body fractum. * * @see #hierarchy */ final class Hierarch { /** The state to commit when this hierarch is unwound from the hierarchy, * so ending the body fractum that it represents. */ private BodyFractum_.End_ pendingEnd; /** Sets the fields of this hierarch from the present body fractum and returns the hierarch. * This is a convenience method. * * @throws IllegalStateException If `state` is not `bodyFractum`. */ private Hierarch set() { if( state != bodyFractum ) throw new IllegalStateException(); pendingEnd = (BodyFractum_.End_)bodyFractum.end; xunc = bodyFractum.xunc(); return this; } /** The xunc offset of the body fractum. * * @see Granum#xunc() */ int xunc() { return xunc; } private int xunc; } // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ private final class IndentBlindParser extends BlockParser { /** {@inheritDoc}

Here ‘lead delimiter’ means a no-break space in the first line * of the indent blind. Since this much is already given to be well formed, * and nothing more is wanted, always a parse will occur.

* * @return The end boundary of the block subsequent to `b`. */ @Override int appendIfDelimiter( int b, int bLine, final List parentGrana ) { // Changing what follows? Sync → namesake method of `CommentBlockParser`. final int bBlind = bLine; final IndentBlind_ blind = spooler.indentBlind.unwind(); final var blindGrana = blind.components; blindGrana.clear(); for( ;; ) { final var line = spooler.indentBlindLine.unwind(); final List lineGrana = line.components; lineGrana.clear(); Granum_ m; // 0. Indent, if any // ───────── if( bLine < b/*delimiter*/ ) { m = line.indentWhenPresent; m.text.delimit( bLine, b ); lineGrana.add( m ); } // 1. Delimiter // ──────────── m = line.delimiter; m.text.delimit( b, ++b ); lineGrana.add( m ); // Now what follows, if anything? // 2. Substance, if any // ──────────── final int bSubstance = b; boolean endsWithAppender = false; for( char ch, chLast = /*delimiter*/'\u00A0'; b < segmentEnd; ++b, chLast = ch ) { ch = buffer.get( b ); if( completesNewline( ch )) { ++b; // Past the newline. break; } if( ch == '\\' && chLast == ' ' && commentaryHoldDetector.slashStartsDelimiter(b) ) { endsWithAppender = true; break; }} if( bSubstance < b ) { m = line.substance = line.substanceWhenPresent; m.text.delimit( bSubstance, b ); lineGrana.add( m ); // 3. Comment appender, if any // ─────────────────── if( endsWithAppender ) { final CommentAppender_ appender = spooler.commentAppender.unwind(); appender.text.delimit( b, b = compose( appender )); lineGrana.add( appender ); }} else { line.substance = null; assert !endsWithAppender; } // Impossible without substance at least of plain space. // This line as a whole // ───────── line.text.delimit( bLine, b ); blindGrana.add( line ); // Toward the next line, if any // ──────────────────── final int d = throughAnyS( b ); // To the delimiter of any subsequent line of the blind. if( d < segmentEnd && buffer.get(d) == /*no-break space*/'\u00A0' ) { bLine = b; b = d; } else { // The blind has its end boundary at `b`. postSpaceEnd = d; break; }} blind.text.delimit( bBlind, b ); parentGrana.add( blind ); return b; }} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** A parser of the terms in division labels. */ private final class LabelTermParser extends TermParser { /** Scans through any term at buffer position `b`, given that `b` is known to succeed directly * a divider drawing character. If this is *not* known, then ensure the contrary is known * and use instead `{@linkplain #throughAny(int) throughAny}`. * * @return The end boundary of the term, or `b` if none was found. */ int throughAnyContiguous( int b ) { while( b < segmentEnd && isProper(buffer.get(b)) ) ++b; /* Whether the term comprises a sequence of backslashes is immaterial, ∵ here it would not form a comment delimiter. */ return b; } // ━━━ T e r m P a r s e r ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ protected @Override boolean isProper( final char ch ) { return !isWhitespace(ch) && !isDividerDrawing(ch); } protected @Override int resultOnBackslashes( final int bOriginal, final int bEnd, final char chEnd ) { return isDividerDrawing(chEnd) ? bEnd : bOriginal; } protected @Override MalformedText termExpected( final int b ) { return new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "Division-label term expected" ); }} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ private final class LineLocator extends TextLineLocator { LineLocator() { super( fractumLineEnds ); } /** Locates the line of the text source in which the given buffer position falls. * * @param position A buffer position. Normally it lies in a region of the present fractal * head already parsed by `delimitSegment`. If rather it lies before `fractumStart`, * then instead this method uses `fractumStart`; or if it lies after the parsed region, * then instead this method uses the last parsed position. */ @Subst void locateLine( int position ) { super.locateLine( position, fractumStart, fractumLineNumber() ); }} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** A parser of the locants that populate object clauses, namely fractum locants * and fractal context locants. */ private final class ObjectClauseLocantParser { /** Parses a fractum locant at buffer position `b`, adding its components to `loF.components` * and updating the fields of this parser. * * @param failureMessage The failure message to use in the event no fractum locant occurs, * or null if one must occur, in which case an illegal-state exception is thrown instead. * @return The end boundary of the last thing that was parsed (fractum locant * or subsequent postgap). * @throws MalformedText If no fractum locant occurs at `b`. */ int append( int b, final FractumLocant_ loF, final String failureMessage ) throws MalformedText { final int bOriginal = b; final GranalArrayList cc = loF.components; cc.clear(); composition: { // Pattern-matcher series // ────────────────────── final List matchers = loF.patternMatchersWhenPresent; matchers.clear(); while( b /*moved*/!= (b = appendAnyPatternMatcher( b, cc, matchers ))) { cTermEnd = cc.size(); b = appendAnyP( bEnd = b, cc ); if( b /*unmoved*/== bEnd || b >= segmentEnd || buffer.get(b) != '@' ) { loF.fileLocant = null; // No file locant is present, loF.patternMatchers = matchers; // only a pattern-matcher series. break composition; } final FlatGranum opC = spooler.contextOperator.unwind(); opC.text.delimit( b, ++b ); cc.add( opC ); // The context operator ‘@’, b = appendP( b, cc ); } // and its trailing postgap. final int nPM = matchers.size(); loF.patternMatchers = nPM == 0 ? null : matchers; // File locant // ─────────── final var loFile = loF.fileLocantWhenPresent; if( b /*unmoved*/== (b = appendAny( b, loFile ))) { if( nPM > 0 ) { // Then a context operator and postgap were just parsed. throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), "File locant expected" ); } // No fractum locant is present, at all. if( failureMessage == null ) throw new IllegalStateException(); // Concordant with contract. throw new MalformedText( characterPointer(b), failureMessage ); } cc.add( loF.fileLocant = loFile ); // Finalization where `loF` ends with a file locant // ──────────── wasAnyPostgapParsed = false; loF.text.delimit( bOriginal, bEnd = b ); cc.flush(); return b; } // Finalization where `loF` comprises a pattern series // ──────────── wasAnyPostgapParsed = true; components = cc; loF.text.delimit( bOriginal, bEnd ); // `bEnd` not `b`, which bounds instead any postgap. cc.flush(); return b; } /** Parses any fractal context locant at buffer position `b`, adding its components * to `loFC.components` and updating the fields of this parser. * * @return The end boundary of the last thing that was parsed (fractal context locant * or subsequent postgap), or `b` if no fractal context locant is present. */ int appendAny( int b, final Afterlinker_.FractalContextLocant_ loFC ) throws MalformedText { if( b < segmentEnd && buffer.get(b) == '@' ) { final int bOriginal = b; final GranalArrayList cc = loFC.components; cc.clear(); final FlatGranum opC = loFC.contextOperator; opC.text.delimit( b, ++b ); cc.add( opC ); // The context operator ‘@’, b = appendP( b, cc ); // and its trailing postgap. final var loF = loFC.fractumLocant; b = append( b, loF, "Fractum locant expected" ); // Which sets the parser fields. cc.add( loF ); // Finalization // ──────────── loFC.text.delimit( bOriginal, b ); cc.flush(); } return b; } /** Parses any file locant at buffer position `a`, adding its components to `loFile.components`. * * @return The end boundary of the file locant, or `a` if none was found. */ private int appendAny( final int a, final FileLocant_ loFile ) throws MalformedText { int d = termParser.throughAny( a ); // End bound of term. if( d /*moved*/!= a ) { int b = a; // Start bound of term. final CoalescentGranalList cc = loFile.components; cc.clear(); loFile.qualifiers.clear(); qualifiers: for( String qualifier;; ) { xSeq.delimit( b, d ); for( int q = fileLocantQualifiers.size();; ) { --q; qualifier = fileLocantQualifiers.get( q ); if( equalInContent( xSeq, qualifier )) break; if( q == 0 ) break qualifiers; } loFile.qualifiers.add( qualifier ); cc.appendFlat( b, d ); b = appendP( d, cc ); d = termParser.through( b ); } loFile.reference.text.delimit( b, d ); cc.add( loFile.reference ); loFile.text.delimit( a, d ); cc.flush(); } return d; } /** Set on each successful parse to the end boundary in the buffer of the locant. */ int bEnd; /** When `wasAnyPostgapParsed`, this component list contains the final term of the locant. * * @see #cTermEnd */ GranalArrayList components; /** Set when `wasAnyPostgapParsed` to the end boundary in `components` of the last term * that was added (correctly), which is also the start boundary of any subsequent postgap * whose components were appended (inadvertently and incorrectly). The caller must remove * any such components to the component list of the point descriptor, where they belong. */ int cTermEnd; // [AMP] /** When true, the caller must transfer from `components` any subsequent to `cTermEnd`, as there * described. When false, the caller must parse any postgap subsequent to the object clause. * * @see #cTermEnd */ boolean wasAnyPostgapParsed; } // [AMP] // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** A warning that the target member is meaningful (fulfils its API description) only for substansive * parse states, those which implement `Granum` and therefore model text of non-zero length. * These are the parse states of {@linkplain Typestamp Typestamp} category (a). */ private static @Documented @Retention(SOURCE) @Target({ FIELD, METHOD }) @interface Subst {} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** A parser of terms. A term (as the language defines it) is a sequence of non-whitespace * characters that does not comprise a sequence of backslashes ‘\’. */ private class TermParser { /** Whether `ch` is proper to a term. */ protected boolean isProper( final char ch ) { return !isWhitespace( ch ); } // [TEB] /** @param bEnd The end boundary of the backslash sequence comprising the would-be term. * @param chEnd The character at `bEnd`, or the null character (00) if there is none. */ protected int resultOnBackslashes( final int bOriginal, int bEnd, char chEnd ) { return bOriginal; } /** @see MalformedText#pointer */ protected MalformedText termExpected( int b ) { return MalformedText.termExpected( characterPointer( b )); } /** Scans through a term at buffer position `b`. * * @return The end boundary of the term. * @throws MalformedText If no term occurs at `b`. */ final int through( int b ) throws MalformedText { if( b /*moved*/!= (b = throughAny( b ))) return b; throw termExpected( b ); } /** Scans through any term at buffer position `b`. * * @return The end boundary of the term, or `b` if none was found. */ final int throughAny( int b ) { final int bOriginal; final char chFirst; { if( b >= segmentEnd ) return b; chFirst = buffer.get( b ); if( !isProper( chFirst )) return b; bOriginal = b++; } if( chFirst == '\\' ) { // Then scan what remains by the exhaustive method. (edge case) boolean comprisesBackslashes = true; // Thus far. char ch = '\u0000'; for(; b < segmentEnd; ++b ) { ch = buffer.get( b ); if( !isProper( ch )) break; if( ch != '\\' ) comprisesBackslashes = false; } if( comprisesBackslashes ) return resultOnBackslashes( bOriginal, b, ch ); } else while( b < segmentEnd && isProper(buffer.get(b)) ) ++b; // The easy way. (typical case) return b; }}} // NOTES // ───── // ABP Adjustable buffer position. This note serves as a reminder to adjust the value of the variable // in `delimitSegment` after each call to `buffer.compact`. // // AMP Avoiding misplaced postgaps. The code here entails clean-up of any misplaced postgap, // repositioning it after the fact. It would be better, however, to avoid misplacement // in the first place. See e.g. the solution of `AppendageParserC`. // // BAO Backing-array offset. This is non-zero in case of an array-backed buffer formed as a slice // of another buffer, but other cases may exist. // // CIC Cached instance of concrete parse state. Each instance is held in a constant field named // e.g. `basicFoo`, basic meaning unextended. It could instead be held in `foo`, except then // it might be overwritten with an instance of a `Foo` subclass defined by a parser extension, // leaving the basic instance unavailable for future reuse. // // TEB Term-end bounding. Marking an instance of code that tests for the end boundary of a term. // Copyright © 2020-2024 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.