package Makeshift; // Changes to this file immediately affect the next build. Treat it as a build script. import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import static; import static java.nio.file.Files.getLastModifiedTime; /** A medley of early-use resources for the present project, residual odds and ends that properly fit * nowhere else during the earliest build stage. This class is for the use of custom builder builders * and their {@linkplain BuilderBuilder allowed dependencies}; other code may access the same resources * through the `{@linkplain Project Project}` class. */ public class Bootstrap { Bootstrap() {} /** Appends to `names` the proper path of each `.java` file of `directory` that needs to be compiled * or recompiled. Does not descend into subdirectories. * * @see #compile(List) */ public static void addCompilableSource( final List names, final Path directory ) { addCompilableSource( names, directory, pathTester_true ); } /** Appends to `names` the proper path of each `.java` file of `directory` that a) tests true * with `tester` and b) needs to be compiled or recompiled. Does not descend into subdirectories. * * @see #compile(List) */ public static void addCompilableSource( final List names, final Path directory, final Predicate tester ) { try( final Stream pp = Files.list( directory )) { for( final Path p: (Iterable)pp::iterator ) { if( Files.isDirectory( p )) continue; final String name = p.toString(); if( !name.endsWith( ".java" )) continue; if( !tester.test( p )) continue; if( toCompile( p, simpleTypeName(p) )) names.add( name ); }} catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); }} /** Compiles Java source code to class files. * * @param projectPackage The proper package of the project whose source code is being compiled, * or null if the builder builder is being compiled. * @param sourceNames The proper path of each source file to compile. */ public static void compile( final String projectPackage, final List sourceNames ) throws UserError { compile( projectPackage, sourceNames, List.of() ); } /** Compiles Java source code to class files. * * @param projectPackage The proper package of the project whose source code is being compiled, * or null if the builder builder is being compiled. * @param sourceNames The proper path of each source file to compile. * @param additionalArguments Additional arguments for `javac`. These will be inserted * before the given source names. * @see * Synopsis of `javac` */ public static void compile( final String projectPackage, final List sourceNames, final List additionalArguments ) throws UserError { // Changing? Sync → `run` @ `bin/build`. printProgressLeader( projectPackage, "javac" ); final List compilerArguments = new ArrayList<>(); compilerArguments.add( System.getProperty("java.home") + "/bin/javac" ); // The Java installation at `java.home` is known to include `javac` because also // it is a JDK installation, as assured by the `JDK_HOME` atop `bin/build`. compilerArguments.add( "@Makeshift/java_javac_arguments" ); compilerArguments.add( "@Makeshift/javac_arguments" ); compilerArguments.addAll( additionalArguments ); compilerArguments.addAll( sourceNames ); final ProcessBuilder pB = new ProcessBuilder( compilerArguments ); pB.redirectErrorStream( true ); final StringBuilder capture = new StringBuilder(); // E.g. of compiler warnings or errors. try { final Process p = pB.start(); appendAll( p, capture ); final int exitValue = p.waitFor(); if( exitValue == 1 ) throw new UserError( "Stopped on `javac` error" ); // Already `javac` has told the details. else if( exitValue != 0 ) throw new Unhandled( "Exit value of " + exitValue + " from process: " + pB.command() ); } catch( final InterruptedException x ) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Avoid hiding the fact of interruption. throw new Unhandled( x ); } // Q.v. at `bin/build` for the reason. catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); } finally { final var o = System.out; o.print( sourceNames.size() ); if( capture.length() > 0 ) { o.println( " …" ); // Indicating the intent of compiling so many, as opposed to the fact. o.print( capture.toString() ); o.flush(); } else o.println(); }} /** A path tester that always answers `true`. */ public static final Predicate pathTester_true = _p -> true; /** Prints and flushes through standard output the beginning of a message of incremental build * progress. Be sure to print the remainder of the message and terminate it with a newline. * * @param projectPackage The proper package of the project whose software is being built, * or null if the builder builder itself is being built. * @param type A short name to identify the type of progress. */ public static void printProgressLeader( final String projectPackage, final String type ) { if( !Objects.equals( projectShowingProgress, projectPackage )) { projectShowingProgress = projectPackage; System.out.println( projectPackage == null ? "Makeshift (bootstrap)" : projectPackage ); } System.out.print( " " ); System.out.print( type ); System.out.print( ' ' ); System.out.flush(); } /** The output directory of the present project. */ public static final Path projectOutputDirectory = Path.of( System.getProperty(""), "Makeshift" ); /** The proper path of the present project. */ public static final Path projectPath = toProperPath( "Makeshift" ); /** Gives the simple name of the Java type proper to a source file at path `sourcePath`. * This assumes the restriction described at the end of §7.6 of the language specification, * e.g. giving type name ‘Toad’ for a path of `wet/sprocket/`. * * @param sourcePath The proper path of the source file. * @see §7.6 * @see #typeName(Path) */ public static String simpleTypeName( final Path sourcePath ) { final String s = sourcePath.getFileName().toString(); assert s.endsWith( ".java" ); return s.substring( 0, s.length()-".java".length() ); } /** Whether `sourceFile` needs to be compiled or recompiled. * * @param sourceFile The proper path of a Java source file. * @param simpleTypeName The corresponding {@linkplain #simpleTypeName(Path) simple type name}. */ public static boolean toCompile( final Path sourceFile, final String simpleTypeName ) { final Path classFile = projectOutputDirectory.resolve( sourceFile.resolveSibling( simpleTypeName + ".class" )); if( Files.exists( classFile )) { try { return getLastModifiedTime(sourceFile).compareTo(getLastModifiedTime(classFile)) >= 0; } catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); }} return true; } /** Returns the name of the Java package at the given proper path. * * @param properPath The relative path proper to a Java package. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If `properPath` is absolute. */ public static String toPackageName( final Path properPath ) { if( properPath.isAbsolute() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return properPath.toString().replace( separatorChar, '.' ); } /** Returns the proper path of the named Java package. * * @param name The name of a Java package. * @return The relative path proper to the named package. */ public static Path toProperPath( final String name ) { return Path.of( toProperPathString( name )); } // Changing? Sync → `toProperPath` in `bin/build`. /** Returns the proper path of the named Java package. * * @param name The name of a Java package. * @return The relative path proper to the named package. */ public static String toProperPathString( final String name ) { return name.replace( '.', separatorChar ); } // Changing? Sync → `toProperPathString` in `bin/build`. /** Gives the fully extended name of the Java type proper to a source file at path `sourcePath`. * This assumes the restriction described at the end of §7.6 of the language specification, * e.g. giving type name ‘wet.sprocket.Toad’ for a path of `wet/sprocket/`. * * @param sourcePath The proper path of the source file. * @see §7.6 * @see #simpleTypeName(Path) */ public static String typeName( final Path sourcePath ) { return toPackageName(sourcePath.getParent()) + '.' + simpleTypeName(sourcePath); } /** Tests the validity of a `projectPath` given as the proper path of a project. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public static void verify( final Path projectPath ) { if( projectPath.isAbsolute() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Absolute `projectPath`" ); if( projectPath.getFileName().toString().equals( "builder" )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Project path ends with `builder`: " + projectPath ); }} // Simpler than trying to fathom the repercussions of allowing it, given that subdirectory // `builder/` is reserved for a project’s building code. /** Tests the validity of a `projectPackage` given as the proper package of a project. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public static void verify( final String projectPackage ) { if( projectPackage.equals("builder") || projectPackage.endsWith( ".builder" )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Project package ends with `builder`: " + projectPackage ); }} // Simpler than allowing it, as explained for `#verify(Path)`. /** Tests for consistency between parameters given for a project. * Where applicable, individually test each parameter before calling this method. * * @param projectPackage The proper package of the project. * @param projectPath The proper path of the project. * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public static void verify( final String projectPackage, final Path projectPath ) { if( !toProperPathString(projectPackage).equals( projectPath.toString() )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Inequivalent `projectPackage` and `projectPath`" ); }} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** Thrown for an event that might better be handled, given a reason to do so. * Bootstrap equivalent of library exception * `Java.Unhandled`. */ public static final class Unhandled extends RuntimeException { /** @see #getCause() */ public Unhandled( Exception cause ) { super( cause ); } /** @see #getMessage() */ public Unhandled( String message ) { super( message ); }} // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** Thrown on encountering an anomaly the user is likely in a position to correct. * Bootstrap equivalent of library exception * `Java.UserError`. */ public static final class UserError extends Exception { /** @see #getMessage() */ public UserError( String message ) { super( message ); }} //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Transfers to `a` the whole of `in`. * * @see Process#getInputStream() */ private static void appendAll( final Reader in, final Appendable a ) throws IOException { for( ;; ) { int c =; if( c == -1 ) break; a.append( (char)c ); }} /** Transfers to `a` the whole output of `process` and closes the transfer stream. * * @see Process#getInputStream() */ private static void appendAll( final Process process, final Appendable a ) throws IOException { final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( process.getInputStream() )); try { appendAll( in, a ); } finally { in.close(); }} /** Proper package of the last project to show progress. */ private static String projectShowingProgress = /*none yet*/""; } // Copyright © 2020-2022 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.