Installation instructions for Makeshift initial set-up 1+ Ensure you are running Linux. : see `^*operating system, assumption of Linux$` @ 2+ Ensure the latest JDK is installed and accessible. : see + Ensure the path to its installation directory is exported as environment variable `JDK_HOME`. >+ echo $JDK_HOME / ⇒ /opt/jdk-22.0.1 if( necessary ) + Add the equivalent of the following to your login initializer, e.g. `~/.profile`, `~/.bash_profile` or what have you.   JDK_HOME=/opt/jdk-22.0.1   export JDK_HOME + Confirm the JDK commands are accessible. >+ $JDK_HOME/bin/javac --version / ⇒ javac 22.0.1 - Expect a version of 22, or later. 3+ Install the files of the present project. >+ cd / / The command directory is where project installations are accessible by their proper paths. The present project, for example, will shortly be accessible at `Makeshift`. : see `^*command directory$` @ >+ git clone Makeshift 4+ Test your access to the Makeshift commands. >+ Makeshift/bin/build -? / ⇒ Usage: build ... 5+ Get convenient access to all Makeshift commands. + Append the directory of this project’s shell commands to the search path. >+ PATH=$PATH:/Makeshift/bin + Test it. >+ which build / ⇒ /Makeshift/bin/build >+ build -? / ⇒ Usage: build ... + Make it permanent by adding the same to your login initializer:   PATH=$PATH:/Makeshift/bin working example : see Web publication • Breccian files : join @ \ Copyright 2020, 2022-2023 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.