Textbender Changes

    Upcoming releases will depend on project Votorola, which relates
    to textbender by way of collaborative law making.

0.2.2                                                                              2007-08

    Designs for an open legislative system and an open electoral system
    were sketched.

0.2.1                                                                                    7

    The project was effectively opened up. We now have a contributors page,
    a discussion group, a Mercurial repository, and generally
    improved documentation.

0.2.0                                                                                    5

    A clipboard transfer facility was added to the kit.

    This completes the functional core of textbender, bringing it to alpha.

0.1.15                                                                  pre-alpha        5

    A 'reload' action was added to the page daemon, as well as
    other file synchronizations. Together, they allow the browser
    to function in tandem with a text editor.

    A description of editing procedures was added to the demo walk-through.

0.1.14                                                                                   4

    The genetic encoder was improved. It now detects duplicate genes
    that arise from manual editing, and corrects them.

    The page-daemon user applet was moved to the top edge of the browser window,
    where it now functions as a floating toolbar.

0.1.13                                                                                   4

    Chromography was added to the kit. It reveals genetic similarities among
    documents by tinting along a chromatic gradient, according to locus.

0.1.12                                                                                   4

    A branching tool was added to the kit. It serves to initialize
    new working documents and assign them to unique revision lines
    (branches) of their own.

    The trace algorithm for authorship/ancestry was improved.
    It no longer depends on detailed revision history.
    Authors now have the choice to work without a revision control system.
    The encoding of meta-data was improved to reduce document size.

0.1.11                                                                                   3

    A region-transfer facility was added to the kit.

0.1.10                                                                                   3

    An algorithm to trace authorship/ancestry of sequences was formalized.
    The genetic code was modified accordingly. Outstanding bugs affecting
    the page daemon on Windows were fixed.

0.1.9                                                                                    2

    A genetic encoder was added to the kit.
    It converts ordinary text to recombinant text.

0.1.8                                                                                    2

    An undo/redo facility was added to the page daemon. A popup
    for runtime errors was added. The platform was moved to Java 1.6.

0.1.7                                                                                    1

    Demo texts, boot scripts, style sheets, and instructions were overhauled.
    A two stage boot to inject the user's applet
    without pre-installing greasemonkey, and so forth, was introduced.
    Applets were relocated for better visibility.

0.1.6                                                                                    1

    JavaScript-to-Java event dispatch was overhauled in the DOM bridge.

0.1.5                                                                                    1

    Text highlighting was added to indicate the context
    of the page daemon's pop-up menu. A 'silent' mode was coded
    for remote pages, as a work-around for same-origin restrictions
    on JavaScript-to-Java messages.

0.1.4                                                                              2006-12

    The structure of ancestry and authorship records
    was finalized in the genetic code, and formally documented.
    Page-load caching is now disabled in the browser,
    to improve handling of page exits and revisits.

0.1.3                                                                                   12

    A (monochromatic) sequence highlighting tool was added to the kit.
    It responds to user selections of text by highlighting
    genetically related text in other documents across the desktop.

    A pop-up context menu was added to control in-page tools.
    Shadow-point tools are now switchable on/off.

0.1.2                                                                                   11

    The locus-point facility was introduced.
    It reveals genetic similarities among multiple documents.

    Design was shifted to generation 3. It follows a paired-regions approach,
    based on a server-less architecture that piggy-backs on existing
    Web infrastructure, overlaying it with a peer-to-peer network,
    driven by user scripts and applets.

    Design generation 2.                                              2005 - 2006

    It followed a simplex-wide approach, based on client-server communications.


    Code was refactored and simplified,
    in preparation for the next round of prototyping.

0.1.0                                                                                    7

    Support was added for the Jaxe XML editor.

0.0.7                                                                   pre-alpha        6

    Support was added for authorship claims.
    A claims generation tool (staker) was introduced.

0.0.6                                                                                    5

    A modeling and simulation kit was introduced.
    Reference simulators were coded.

0.0.5                                                                                    4

    Component fold.xquery was introduced.
    It implements an XQuery interface to the gene pool.

0.0.4                                                                                    4

    A full desktop toolset was introduced. It integrates
    with the user's text editor. A reference interface for Emacs is included.
    A command-line gene extractor was introduced, to extract genes from texts.

    The command-line for the Swing graphical tools was extended
    to interface with non-Java tools (Emacs).

0.0.3                                                                              2005-10

    Web tools were retrofitted with improved sequence handling,
    in line with the Swing tools introduced earlier.
    Web tool (harvest.target) was introduced,
    as a query interface to the gene pool.

0.0.2                                                                                   10

    Swing graphical tools were introduced.
    A Web service for querying the gene pool was added.
    The genetic code was improved. Mark-up overhead was reduced.

2005.1                                                                                   5

    Bare-bones Web tools were introduced.

2005.0                                                                                   4

    Test release, non-functional.

    Design generation 1.                                              2001 - 2003

    It followed a simplex-wide approach, based on peer-to-peer wiring.
    Developed under the name 'EDGE' (Evolutionary Design by Genetic Engineering).
    It featured an integrated text editor/recombinant toolset (simplex),
    and peer-to-peer (population-wide) communications over Java RMI.

    Details omitted.

    The original description of recombinant text (the domain of textbender)
    was Canadian patent application 2,340,792 (filed 2001, since withdrawn).

                                        "The sooner you start coding your program...,
                                            the longer it will take..."
                                                    -- Henry F. Ledgard