

Patterns of Communication

    - patterns of communication (or gene flow) through populations

Paired Crossing

    - paired crossing is a pattern of communication (or demography)
      in which pairs of individuals (texts) associate for purposes of recombination
        - relatively long-term

Population-Wide Communication

    - population-wide communication is a pattern of communication (or demography)
      in which many individuals (texts) are brought simultaneously
      into association

    - some form of population-wide communication is essential
      to population formation and maintenance
        - without it, genes could not flow across a nascent population,
          and it would break into multiple populations (by definition)
        - however, it might be ad hoc, or a natural effect;
          the result of no deliberate technique
            - the Web Crawler Handle below
              is an example of a light handed technique
            - a little gene flow goes a long way
        - or it might be something more deliberate
            - old simplex-wide demo might be example


The encoded form:

textbender_ identifier _mark
    - anywhere in visible content of document
    - note the single space after ‘textbender_’ and before ‘_mark’
    [ identifier
        - unique term corresponding roughly to the population
            / roughly, because populations are defined by gene flow, not by identifiers
        - need not universally unique; only in context of other textbendermarks
        - recommend: no special characters that might throw off a search engine
            / plain old human-readable text, with spaces

    - purpose
        | search/discovery of individuals of a wild population
        | discovery of populations
        - because, in lieu of any other population-wide techniques,
          (e.g. in a system where baseline communications are paired)
          this may be the only means of search/discovery
          (e.g. to form new pairs)
    - this is a temporary technique, to be deprecated when:
        | crawlers can index XML attributes (e.g. loci)
        | crawlers pay attention to RDF
            - then individual might state which population(s)
              it intends to be part of
        | other techniques are developed,
          perhaps based on actual gene flow, as well as intended

A specific example:

textbender_ Amoretti and Epithalamion A75 _mark. <!-- http://reluk.ca/project/textbender/d/population/note.xht#textbendermark -->

The corresponding search terms for discovery of individuals of this population:

"textbender_ identifier _mark"

"textbender_ Amoretti and Epithalamion A75 _mark"

Or, to find other documents about this text (the ‘-’ here meaning ‘exclusive of’):

"identifier" -textbender_

"Amoretti and Epithalamion A75" -textbender_

The search terms for discovery of all textbender populations (conjunctor being AND):

textbender_ _mark
project textbender