[rough notes]

Web Browsers

In-Memory Caching and JSObject

    - in-memory caching, an optimization feature of some browsers.

    - recommend disabling it, when using rhinohide
      or other JSObject-based stuff to manipulate document
        - so that all page visits/revisits start clean
        - to disable, e.g., register an 'unload' listener on the window
        - unless you know what you're doing...

    - In-memory Caching applies to state of JavaScript side, but not of Java side.
      (Not with Firefox, anyway; the Java side is destroyed during page exit.)
      The assymetry can cause state inconsistency when page revisited
      and JavaScript side retains dead state from destroyed Java side.
      Such inconsistency is difficult for the Java applet to clean up
      because JSObject (its communication bridge)
      misbehaves during page exit.