<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- - -
 ! Staging for Crossforum Theatre embedded in non-GWT pages, packaged as a GWT library
 ! module.
    <inherits name='votorola.s.gwt.stage.StageMod'/>

    <!-- changing linker?  see also votorola.a.web.wic.VRequestCycle.gwtContextLocation() -->
<!--<add-linker name='xs'/>--> <!-- cross-site linker:
      We generally need *some* kind of cross-site linker for embedded applications because
      the host pages are of different origin than the GWT scripts embedded in them.
      The xs linker is incompatible with devmode, so additional *Dev modules are required
      that set the linker to xsiframe.  Those modules are compiled instead when doing
      devmode testing. -->
    <add-linker name='xsiframe'/> <!-- Allows not only for
      cross-site linking, but also provides asynchronous linking and support for dev mode.
      However, it causes a jumpy layout for newly loaded pages owing to asynchronicity and
      the late injection of the stage.  The BFCache helps here in cases of back-and-forth
      navigation between pages that are already loaded.  But it does not help for newly
      loaded pages.  Further the xsiframe linker breaks the BFCache on Chrome:
      http://reluk.ca/system/host/havoc/opt/gwt/2.5.0+mca.2/doc/javadoc/com/google/gwt/user/client/Window.html#isCloseHandlingEnabled%28%29 -->
