package waymaker.gen; // Copyright © 2016 Michael Allan.  Licence MIT.

/** A joint runnable that asks permission for each run.
public abstract class FencedJointRunnable extends JointRunnable

    /** Constructs a FencedJointRunnable.
      *     @see #threadToJoin()
    public @ThreadSafe FencedJointRunnable( final Thread threadToJoin ) { super( threadToJoin ); }

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Called before the join of each run, this method answers whether the run should proceed.
    public abstract boolean toProceed();

   // - R u n n a b l e --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** {@linkplain #toProceed() Asks permission} and proceeds only if allowed.  {@inheritDoc}
    public final void run() { if( toProceed() ); }
