Glossary of terms for project Autonomy

Michael Allan. 2010. Glossary of terms for project Autonomy. Unpublished draft. H

An expression of agreement.


An object of assent. One who receives a vote.

communicative action

A type of social action that is coordinated by discussion aimed at mutual understanding or agreement.

... the interaction of at least two subjects capable of speech and action who establish interpersonal relations (whether by verbal or by extraverbal means). The actors seek to reach an understanding about the action situation and their plans of action in order to coordinate their actions by way of agreement...Hab81ap86

communicative assent

An expression of agreement that arises from discussion.


A subject and object of assent. One who both receives votes as a candidate, and also casts a vote as a voter.

delegate cascade

A voting mechanism in which received votes are carried along with cast votes.

mass assent

Assent that derives from a voting process in which there are relatively few candidates and little or no communication between candidates and voters.


A standard or pattern of social behaviour; especially one that may be formalized, such as a law, plan or policy.


A collection of votes for measuring the consensus or dissensus of voters with regard to a group of rival candidates.


A formal unit of assent.


A subject of assent. One who votes for a candidate.



For the revision history of this glossary, see