Promulgation of voting results

Not yet properly documented. Parts of this are relevant: User:Alex.rollin-GmailCom/Vote_Processing. Just roughly:

Official "winner" cannot be announced in the pollwiki. Reason is pollwiki is shared by multiple vote-servers with different voting methods. Even with vote mirroring, there's no guarantee that the winner on one will be the winner on another.

Any number of promulgation mechanisms may operate over the same vote-base, and they may compete with each other. Multiple institutions may vie for the authority to announce the "official" voting states (quorums, actionable consensus and so forth) based on the results, and to administratively promulgate the issues (as rules, etc). In addition to any administrative mechanisms we may design, there are also social ones that we have no control over.

Upshot is that official winners must be recorded and presented in facilities (or social milieus) that are external to the pollwiki.RP



But see pollwiki's provision of resource pledges.