#!/usr/bin/env --split-string=${JDK_HOME}/bin/java --source ${JDK_VERSION} package scratch; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.math.RoundingMode; import static java.lang.Math.min; import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt; import static java.lang.System.err; import static java.lang.System.exit; import static java.lang.System.out; import static java.math.BigDecimal.ONE; import static java.math.BigDecimal.ZERO; import static java.math.RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN; /** A calculator of the likelihood (P) of an event of decaying probability. The calculation is a sum * over a large number of trials (t = 1, 2, 3, …) using two parameters: the initial per-trial * probability 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 of the event; and the per-trial decay rate 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1 of the probability * (applied after each trial), where δ = 1 yields a constant probability. * * <p>Calculations are done using numbers either of a given precision (number of digits), or unlimited * precision (the default). Results are rounded to 128 digits for output.</p>*//* * * https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4692693/bernoulli-series-with-decaying-probability-p */ class PPrecise { public static void main( final String[] arguments ) { exitOnDemand( arguments ); final int n = arguments.length; final int precision; if( n == 3 ) precision = parseInt( arguments[2] ); else { precision = 0/*unlimited*/; if( n != 2 ) { err.println( commandName + ": Expecting 2 or 3 arguments, found " + n ); exitWithUsage( 1 ); }} new PPrecise().run( /*p*/new BigDecimal(arguments[0]), /*δ*/new BigDecimal(arguments[1]), precision ); } //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static final String commandName = "P-precise"; static void exitOnDemand( final String[] arguments ) { for( final String arg: arguments ) { if( arg.equals("-?") || arg.equals("-help") ) exitWithUsage( 0 ); }} static void exitWithUsage( final int status ) { out.println( commandName + ": Likelihood of an event of initial probability p, decaying at rate δ" ); out.println( "Usage: " + commandName + " p δ [precision]" ); out.println( " " + commandName + " -help | -?" ); exit( status ); } static final int maxPrintScale = 128; /** Cumulative likelihood of occurence. */ BigDecimal pCumulative = ZERO; static final RoundingMode rounding = HALF_EVEN; /** Per-trial probability at last trial. */ BigDecimal pLast = ZERO; /** Cumulative likelihood of failure. */ BigDecimal qCumulative = ONE; /** @param p Per-trial probability, initial value. * @param δ Per-trial decay rate of `p`. */ void run( BigDecimal p, final BigDecimal δ, final int precision ) { testParameter( p ); testParameter( δ ); final MathContext c = new MathContext( precision, rounding); final BigDecimal δInverse = ONE.subtract( δ ); do { qCumulative = qCumulative.multiply( ONE.subtract( pLast )); final BigDecimal pJustNow/*earlier failure *and* occurence on the present trial*/ = qCumulative/*likelihood of earlier failure*/.multiply( p/*per-trial probability*/, c ); pCumulative = pCumulative.add( pJustNow ); if( t == tReport ) { final int scale = min( maxPrintScale, pCumulative.scale() ); // This does nothing. out.println( "t " + t + " \t" + pCumulative.setScale( scale, rounding )); if( tReport < 20 ) tReport += 1; else if (tReport == 20 ) tReport = trialReportInterval; else tReport += trialReportInterval; } pLast = p; p = p.multiply( δInverse, c ); } while( ++t <= trialsMaximum ); } /** Trial number. */ int t = 1; static void testParameter( final BigDecimal d ) { if( d.signum() < 0 || d.compareTo(ONE) > 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameter outside range 0 to 1" ); }} /** Trial number for the next report. */ int tReport = t; static final int trialReportInterval = 1000; static final int trialsMaximum = trialReportInterval * 12; }