- one way to answer:      - a faculty of reason being implied in the question      - a practical reason, like the question timeless and devoid of context      - an end justified in itself, reason in itself      - reason itself eternal      - for reason needs no reason      - another way to answer:      - the existence of agency being implied in the question      - seek clues to the answer by looking into how agency can exist      - existential mechanisms of agency      - one way to find them:      - past origin of agency      - take human agency, at least to start with      - two alternative origins      - their existential mechanisms      - our disengagement from them      - causes of disengagement      - common factor reason      - another way to find them:      !! too much ado prior to this core argument, wearing me out only to bore the reader      - future prospects of agency      - mathematic model of agential endurance      - three alternatives: contingency, theoretic and practical necessity      : privately cf. `^*- For a line of.+agents, there are just three possibilities:$` @ ~/work/ethic/._/04_law_or_extinction/20_lemma.brec      - only practical necessity could yield the answer      - as nature by its laws is the seat of theoretic necessity, what [thing] by its laws is the seat of practical necessity?      - reason suggests itself, as twice before it has shown itself pertinent      : re `twice before` see `^*- reason itself eternal$`      : re `twice before` see `^*- common factor reason$`      - autotelic principle of reason      / a principle of pure practical reason that Kant seems to have overlooked      - warrant in a criterion common to all principles of practical reason, namely success vs. failure of reason      - an existential mechanism of reason, and only thereby of agency      - agency is here merely an auxilliary to reason      : re `auxilliary to reason` cf. https://www-jstor-org.ezproxy.torontopubliclibrary.ca/stable/46522847-a533-3d6b-b10a-aca0a2ae3671 : Korsgaard, 1999. Self-constitution in the ethics of Plato and Kant.      - constitutive of reason, agents of reason and their society      : privately re `^*- (.+)` see `^*• the principle is therefore ${same}` @ ~/work/ethic/._/05/70.brec      - boundary crisis      - boundary crisis resolved      - what moves one      - taking the autotelic principle as moral law      - precepts      - what to do: a specific answer