a1. Primal will is extant and extends itself among us - the evidence and the nature of will it evinces — both being at a cosmic scale, with the latter evidently communicable — give one reason to believe not only that primal will once existed, but also that it and its ethic continue to exist by extending themselves among us : re `- the (.+)`s see `^*- moreover, this ${same}`p @ 01_objective_basis.brec ∵ such is the evidence of moral conformance and the nature of the primal will it evinces, both being at a cosmic scale, and the latter evidently communicative, that: ⁃ some of us {in believing} are ourselves moved to conform ⁃ one’s being so moved — viz. in response to that evidence — constitutes an extension of that primal will [through oneself] {to one’s time and space} / this is exactly how one would expect a will of that nature to endure, namely by making itself communicable \ Copyright © 2024-2025 Michael Allan.