Conditions of a gift Children’s tears speak of the conditions that attach to a gift Script this ( from memory + - narration reworked - restated so that other wayscribes can more easily identify with it and adopt it - plain - without explanatory gloss of its own - rather use it as a gloss on the story - ending in tears - for what the child was unable to express otherwise at the time ‘Margie was holding tightly to the string of her beautiful new balloon. Suddenly, a gust of wind caught it. The wind carried it into a tree. The balloon hit a branch and burst. Margie cried and cried.’ Script this - citing source - David E. Rumelhart, 1975. *Notes on a schema for stories.* In *Representation and understanding*. Edited by Daniel G. Bobrow and Allan Collins. Academic Press, New York. p. 211. ( ( quoted by Hofstadter in *Gödel, Escher, Bach*, where I first read it, ∼1983 - with explanatory gloss ' One|I can understand the reason for her tears ... - thus implicitly, vicariously explaining the remembrance too - story does not go *separately* here under poet/ because: - it needs to be inline with the gloss in order to work - it must not be copied as a whole work - rather only as a quote in a separate context (mine) - else the copy would probably need permission - it is not a way-motivational work outside of the context in which it's presented - so does not belong as such (alone) here under poet/