Within the pragmatic horizon, all known existential hazards to humankind are confined to smaller volumes of space-time than is humankind itself Script this I value practical reason above all <_> Practical reason alone gives me the assurance of obtaining, as far as possible, anything else I might need <_> Practical reason alone gives me the assurance of holding on, as long as possible, to practical reason In continual fear that I am proving unequal to reason’s demands, unworthy of my most valued gift, and of the gift giver, I realign my means to — so reaffirm that I am equal to — securing the endless continuity or full flower of practical reason in the existential refuge of great distances The endless continuity or full flower of practical reason in the existential refuge of great distances Script this I realign my means to — so reaffirm that I am equal to — securing the material end E Script this Matter M is (to me) essentially moral <_>In M I respond to the supreme hazard, to the risk of losing what I value most