proto-wayic/lex/_/doc.task - Documentation in rough + scope - the scope of this dictionary is the terminology of general wayics ( ./wayics - and of the present wayic in particular ( ./wayic - notably some proto-wayic.web terms are general enough to transcend the scope and are excluded from the dictionary ( + language - Canadian English is the language of this dictionary - and the default language ( except where marked otherwise, that is - of its wayic co-projects - why - readership - English is the most accessible language to the expected readership - which is dominated by IT specialists who perforce know English - authorship - English Canadian at present - compromise - no particular form of English is generally accepted as a universal standard - therefore any formal choice will necessarily be a compromise - prima facie the Canadian form is no worse, and in some ways a little better than the alternatives - it happens (roughly) to reflect the present balance between the two dominant forms of US American and British English - still it is relatively well documented ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Content importer` + purpose - in a term document - to import and insert content from another element - namely from an *exporter* in an *exporting document*, typically a separate term document + definition of terms * exporter - an element whose content may be imported * exporting document - the document of an exporter + use - in a term document = remove to `./manual.task` - - leaving here a mere reference to it - amending accordingly `term_document.js` § BASIC USE * to import all content from an exporting document's `body` element - here EXDOC is the URL of the exporting document: ⋯
⋯ content ⋯ ( [COR] - see also `./term_document.js` §§ BASIC USE, TESTING AND TROUBLESHOOTING * to import the content of a particular exporter - as above, but now specify also the exporter - here EXPORTER is the value of the exporter's *id* attribute: ⋯ content ⋯ + effect - the exporter's content is imported - in the case of exporters from remote domains, this depends on the exporting document being served with appropriate headers ( [COR] - the imported content replaces the importer - replaces the `a` element, that is - should anything go wrong - the importer is left as a hyperlink trigger, giving manual access to the content //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // N o t e / [COR] Each request to a remote exporter for a term document, or to `` for a programmatic resource file, requires that there "cross origin responses are enabled". ./manual.task § publication § programmatic resource file ./manual.task § publication § term documents Copyright © 2017-2019 Michael Allan and contributors. Licence MIT.