Cosmic fit: the improbably optimal surroundings in which we find ourselves - How is [that] we {find ourselves [living] | come to live} in a universe that … : see notebook:2021-9-20a : note : this suggests an instance of cosmological fine tuning, but one that is immune from the anthropic objection : privately cf. @ ../precarious_conditions.brec : see : see - That we do live in such a universe is a product of two facts … - This file will explain the premise that consensus on the cosmic fit is a condition of moral certainty. / So leaning heavily on the cosmic fit for external grounds. + Introduce the premise as the necessity of consensus on the striking fact of the optimum we could expect in the way of cosmic support. : see notebook:2021-9-20a,b,f : ignoring any reference to the ‘planned afterword’, as already I have salvaged all of value from that plan : cf. notebook:2021-9-28d : see notebook:2021-9-25b,n : re `fact of the optimum`p see : [presumeably] : re `fact of the optimum`p see `^^-.+limit of light speed is the improbable thing` @ `^^meaning: apropos the improbable refuge` @ working_notes_boneyard.brec !! The speed of light has been claimed as a condition of life itself. : see : see - This undermines the premise of the improbability of the cosmic fit. - From the fact of life, the speed of light would come as no surprise. - Present interstellar distances likewise: in an expanding universe, they would eventually be reached. - Since those are the only conditions of the cosmic fit, it too is no surprise. | the more important, substansive warrant remains regardless | the formal warrant might somehow be saved | *factual* improbability might not be crucial / That alone seems to be undermined, which in turn would appear to undermine only my rhetorical introduction. - There remains the striking (and improbable?) coincidence of apparent function with that of an ethic, which I think was the warrant I | improbability *period* might not be crucial | rebased on the substansive warrant - Where I speak of uncertain value (e.g. our own value) I mean as ends — not as means or conditions — and I might want to be clear about this. - The striking fact I might introduce (properly in first person plural) by the likes of: | That we do indeed {live in such a universe | find that optimum} we may confirm on any clear night, if we know two facts. / The two facts relate to light speed and interstellar distances. | Look up on a clear night … / This is maybe too dramatic. My readers I must assume are more sophisticated than I, and not to be led by the nose. + Quote Einstein’s 1905 paper, whether here or by reference to a quote under the diaspora. : re `diaspora` see : e.g. : For velocities greater than that of light our deliberations become meaningless … [it] plays the part, physically, of an infinitely great velocity. … Velocities greater than that of light have… no possibility of existence. - Let M be a state of mind, and C a state of society, as follows. M. A belief that one knows what norms morally bind one. C. Consensus on the implications of the cosmic fit for normative ethics. - The basic premise of the present ethic is that one cannot reasonably hold M without C. postulate: M requires C. + Explain why such consensus is necessary to moral certainty. - The cosmos is ordered as though it had been designed to nurture and sustain a rational nature such as ours. - That this striking fact would have no bearing on what we ought to do, and ought not to do, is implausible. + Give reasons. - Pending consensus on what that bearing is, moral certainty hangs in suspense. + Allow that, for one who subscribes to a particular normative ethic, C might narrow to that ethic alone. : private : pending less dependency on my private notes \ 🅮 This file has been dedicated by its author(s) to the public domain. To the extent possible \ under law, the author(s) waive all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this file \ under the terms of a CC0 1.0 waiver. See `LICENCE.txt` in the base directory of this waycast.