Definition of moral terms

    : see also

    counter \ This entry is deprectated.
        ─ verb, with object \ Temporary: these definitions properly belong in explanatory text.
            - Hinder (form F).
            - Disparage an instance of (form G).
    form F
        - Personal freedom (as a formal condition of practical reason).
    form G
        - Orientation to endmost personal goals (as a formal condition of practical reason).
            \ Personal as opposed to organizational or group.
        - The rational nature of humankind.
    infringe \ This entry is deprectated.
        ─ verb, with object
            - To counter the underlying form of (a right) where it either accompanies no wrong,
              or accompanies a wrong that could instead be countered separately.
                : re `underlying form` see `form F or G` @ `^^─ adjective$` @ `^^wrong\b`
    right \ This entry is deprectated.
        ─ adjective
            - Promoting forms F and G without being wrong.
        ─ count noun
            - A moral entitlement, either *right to G* or *right to F*.
        ─ mass noun
            - That which is right.
    rightful \ This entry is deprectated.
        ─ adjective
            - Morally entitled according to a right.
    right to F
        ─ noun
            - A moral entitlement to freedom of action where it does no wrong.
    right to G
        ─ noun
            - A moral entitlement to respect in orienting to one’s endmost goal,
              if thereby one does no wrong.
    wrong \ This entry is deprectated.
        ─ adjective
            - Countering form F or G where it either accompanies no wrong, or accompanies a wrong
              that could instead be countered separately.
                : re `Countering` see `^^counter` \ Temporary as per the latter.
        ─ count noun
            - A thing which is wrong.
        ─ mass noun
            - That which is wrong.
    wrongful \ This entry is deprectated.
        ─ adjective
            : join @ `^^wrong\b`

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