My working notes for the way + Recast and retask the way from the top, from the criterion of (my) final success, viz. recruitment of developers. : see also @ ~/code/WP3/way/wayic/working_notes.brec call for designs+ : see @ ~/code/WP3/way/wayic/working_notes.brec ?+ Might the more direct approach be better here, at the base, too? : re `direct approach` see @ wayic/ !!+ Files `motive` may be misnamed or misguided. ?+ Is not motive/will essentially private in that it rests on an *axiologic* base? ?+ What should the (personal) waycast explicitly cast? | justification in general, covering any combination of rational, moral and axiologic grounds / Though axiologic grounds, as grounds, are thereby rational, too. | reason in particular, viz. principled demands of reason | right in particular | motive/will, after all - It is something of a wild card in breaking the bounds of justification; what moves one could easily be unjustifiable (unreasonable or immoral). + Summarize each of the main files succinctly in the readme file. - Generally copy the first (summarizing) sentence or two of the main file. steps, file : see steps.brec / Files `motive` and `steps` are crucial. Together they express most directly my present task of recasting and retasking the way from the top, from the criterion of my personal success, viz. recruitment of developers. More generally, I now think that a concern for waycaster recruitment and retention, anchored in a critical concern for self-motivation, ought to animate every waycaster. : cf. notebook:2022-5-6 : Waycast-based recruiting and simultaneous proof of design form, planned 1. Brief review of preceding files: purpose, premise and method. / All but motive, that is. 2. Critical review of motive file. - Does it truly tell what moves me to engage here? / Always the motive file will refer to and depend upon other parts of the waycast, so entailing them in the critical review. - By means of this review, I affirm/reaffirm my commitment to the way. - By means of this review, I prove its viability as cast. - Others will be moved as I am, and together we will carry it through. 3. Choice of where to engage. : private