--- Log opened Thu Jan 05 00:00:56 2012
03:12 < LP_> anyone on?
09:53 < Andrew_Mallis> sdboyer: ping. we still on for 10 with Liza?
12:53 < Andrew_Mallis> UX on boarding google hangout will be starting shortly
12:53 < Andrew_Mallis> https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/extras/ideograph.ca/fga
12:57 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: i'll just sit in the background i think
12:57 < sdboyer> if thassok?
12:57  * sdboyer hopes for a thiago
12:57 < Andrew_Mallis> Sorry, no thinking allowed/
12:57 < Andrew_Mallis> no Mr. T until Sunday.
12:58 < Ericaaaaa> installing the plugin
12:58  * Andrew_Mallis thinks people are now realizing they need to sign up for google+ before they can join the hangout and I should have made this more clear
12:59 < sdboyer> sad panda
15:25 < sdboyer> bodhipraxis: i want to apologize for my initial email - while FGA is my top priority, you're of course right about this as a crucial tech intercomms point, and i will be on today's call
15:25 < sdboyer> i'd like to try to chalk it up to utter exhaustion from so many volunteers and trying to not lose my only paying gig, but really, i should have approached that better
15:25 < sdboyer> sorry
15:26 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: how did the rest of UX go?
15:27 < Andrew_Mallis> Well, I think. In the end, though, we of course need some real world systems and much more structure.
15:27 < Andrew_Mallis> *systems = established systems for collaboration and participation
15:28 < sdboyer> yep
15:29 < sdboyer> my kingdom for like three totally dedicated project managers
15:30 < Andrew_Mallis> kinda a circular statement, o' king of FGA
15:31  * sdboyer blushes horribly
15:31 < Andrew_Mallis> I now have access to Parson's job board to post. Semi fearful of on boarding still. Gotta kick it into high gear structure-wise.
15:31 < sdboyer> yep
15:33 < sdboyer> on some level, it's not that hard. reliable coordinators + scope limiting + discrete tasks + separate meeting spaces + "good enough"
15:33 < sdboyer> most folks aren't asking to have full control - they just want to know the targeted thing they can do to help
15:36 < samkottler> sdboyer, Andrew_Mallis: I'm wondering if we can have divisional "onboarders" who are easy working on part of the project and have a breadth of understanding to get new people started up
15:36 < Andrew_Mallis> sure we can. Please send these people our way and we will use them!~
15:36 < sdboyer> :P
15:36 < samkottler> Andrew_Mallis: I will be one!
15:37 < sdboyer> samkottler: that's the basic thing i've been looking for - the challenge is that in order for people to have & maintain a breadth of understanding, they have to remain engaged with that particular team's process
15:37 < Andrew_Mallis> Ambassador Kottler
15:37  * samkottler puts on his crown
15:37 < sdboyer> :)
15:37 < samkottler> Wait, ambassadors don't have crowns!
15:37 < Andrew_Mallis> sorry, samkottler you get a sash
15:37  * samkottler puts on his robe…he guesses
15:37 < sdboyer> which is fine, but what tends to happen is that anyone who's interested enough to really dedicate some time ends up focusing on the substantive work of the group, not just coordinating stuff
15:38 < sdboyer> s/coordinating stuff/onboarding people and keeping a high level vision/
15:38 < Andrew_Mallis> delegate delegate
15:38 < samkottler> sdboyer: yeah I particularly like the realization that the person requires high-level vision
15:39 < sdboyer> it's not at all an impossible problem, it's just that we need someone with a passion for just keeping it all together to be willing to put a few hours in every day
15:39 < sdboyer> and *just* do that coordination. aka, a project manager :)
15:57 < Andrew_Mallis> bodhipraxis: ping. We still meeting at 4pm?
15:58 < Andrew_Mallis> were talking about Jabber/XMPP or mumble. Please confirm.
18:15 < elf-pavlik> sdboyer: do you know http://wiki.socialswarm.de ?
18:17 < elf-pavlik> someone on their mailinglist linked to this article: http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2011/12/occupy-facebook/all/1
19:15 -!- LP__ is now known as LP_
21:08 < sdboyer> elf-pavlik: well yep, that's our article :) beyond having heard the name, i don't know them
21:23 < nadavoid> Andrew_Mallis: Good evening! Did you have many people attend the UX orientation meeting?
21:25 < Andrew_Mallis> maybe 10 people
21:39 < nadavoid> oh nice! that's a a good number
22:02 < nadavoid> Andrew_Mallis: On this doc, does the reddish color mean "invalid" ?
22:02 < nadavoid> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aldd4WFocycHdDNXQ25ZRGllajNxWkdWQ1FIR210Wnc#gid=0
22:02 < Andrew_Mallis> yeah
22:02 < Andrew_Mallis> nadavoid: whoizzu?
22:03 < nadavoid> David Lanier
22:03  * nadavoid David
22:03 < Andrew_Mallis> aha!
22:03 < Andrew_Mallis> less void
22:03 < nadavoid> hehe yeah
22:03 < Andrew_Mallis> glad you are taking a look at that, now
22:04 < nadavoid> sure thing. Getting started tweaking the content type again now.
22:04 < Andrew_Mallis> Joel said he's tko'ed till Sat, so it would be awesome for you to pilot a bit and be in touch directly with him post.
22:04 < Andrew_Mallis> super duper
22:04 < Andrew_Mallis> we now have a fire under our asses
22:04 < Andrew_Mallis> http://occupylist.org/
22:05 < nadavoid> woah, what's that?
22:05 < Andrew_Mallis> I am not too happy about launching in a month. Seems long.
22:05 < Andrew_Mallis> indeed
22:05 < Andrew_Mallis> We are taking too long. The need is getting filled
22:06 < Andrew_Mallis> the data is very incomplete, but presentation is pretty good
22:06 < nadavoid> hmm… they've already done it it seems
22:07 < nadavoid> wonder if we can work together with "them"
22:07 < Andrew_Mallis> well, the list is not exportable in any way.
22:07 < Amgine> <sighs> you're going about it wrong. You're trying to build a destination, when you should be building a *service*.
22:07 < Andrew_Mallis> and it draws only from one source
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> Amgine: yes, we are trying to build a service
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> using standards like atom, xml, json
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> etc
22:08 < Amgine> then why have you been waiting on UX?
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> we have been waiting on data
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> merge and clean up
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> not ux
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> on the directory project
22:08 < Andrew_Mallis> ux is trivial for our MVP
22:09 < Amgine> nm, I shouldn't even be commenting.
22:09 < nadavoid> ok, well I'll go ahead and focus on the content type, getting it built out.
22:09 < Andrew_Mallis> awesome
22:27 -!- Andrew_Mallis_ is now known as Andrew_Mallis
23:06 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: ack - did we reschedule for 8pm today, and i missed that?
23:06 < Andrew_Mallis> I was trying to reschedule for then
23:07 < Andrew_Mallis> It's still only 8pm in Seattle, but I'm feeling beat and still have lots to do.
23:08  * Andrew_Mallis has been taking his little breaks listening to Chris Hedges today at http://youtu.be/7zotYU21qcU
23:45 < hellekin> Hi there, the socialswarm mailing-list is going to split into announce, code and discuss. Would be nice to have you at least in discuss. I'll send an email to the ML when it's ready.
--- Log closed Fri Jan 06 00:00:11 2012