--- Log opened Thu Jan 19 00:00:36 2012 01:59 < Senpai> "For now, we're going to limit our directory to occupations that reside in physical space, rather than conceptual blanket-organizations." I approve this message. 01:59 < Andrew_Mallis> not sure what we 01:59 < Andrew_Mallis> can call the other types of "occupations". Question on hold, I guess 09:11 -!- scottrigby_ is now known as scottrigby 17:12 < sdboyer> ruh roh 17:12 < sdboyer> cced on an email with stallman 17:12 < sdboyer> duck and cover! 18:31 < Andrew_Mallis> LP_: will you be able to make the FGA directory hangout today? 18:44 < LP_> Andrew_Mallis: sure 18:44 < Andrew_Mallis> cool. 18:44 < LP_> we were adrift w/o captain last time 18:44 < LP_> ditto for standup 18:46 < Andrew_Mallis> looks like everyone is coming together around our directory, now. Minus Inter-Occupy. 18:46 < Andrew_Mallis> though they're with us in principle, their list is people in groups, not occupations 18:46 < Andrew_Mallis> So, they are really more FGA than Directory, so they should be kept tight. 18:48 < LP_> capish 18:49 < LP_> Though creating users with contact forms and occupation associations could be a decent way to provide a shielded directory 18:49 < LP_> fft 18:50 < Andrew_Mallis> http://notes.occupy.net/p/FGA-dir-Jan19 18:56 < Andrew_Mallis> hangout is up. LP_ if you want to jump in early we can talk data a bit 18:56 < Andrew_Mallis> https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/extras/ideograph.ca/fga 19:00 < Andrew_Mallis> agenda http://notes.occupy.net/p/FGA-dir-Jan19 19:01 * nadavoid looking for the link to the hangout... 19:02 < Andrew_Mallis> nadavoid: https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/extras/ideograph.ca/fga 19:04 < Andrew_Mallis> http://notes.occupy.net/p/FGA-dir-Jan19 19:12 < Andrew_Mallis> https://docs.google.com/a/ideograph.ca/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AszGxZ94ptuWdDBmYkREVDdtVndwaDdRb1B5RkpRcFE#gid=0 19:25 < LP_> andrewwww? 19:47 < Andrew_Mallis_> Senpai: re http://projects.occupy.net/issues/112 have you had a chance to move the view(s) of occupations forward? 19:48 < Senpai> no progress to speak of, no. All I've done is roll the View into a feature and commit it prior to beginning work. 19:49 < Andrew_Mallis_> ok. are you planning to push this ahead some more? pretty please? 20:04 < Andrew_Mallis_> I'm all alone in the stand up call. :( 20:07 -!- Andrew_Mallis_ is now known as Andrew_Mallis 20:22 < LP_> :( 20:28 < Senpai> I do have grand plans to push forward on those directory Views. Running a company is getting in the way of my playtime, damnitt. :| 22:10 -!- amgine is now known as Amgine 22:43 < Andrew_Mallis> Senpai: please, come play soon! We miss you in the sandbox. --- Log closed Fri Jan 20 00:00:52 2012