--- Log opened Tue Jan 31 00:00:39 2012
18:30 < Andrew_Mallis> Senpai: howzit?
19:01 < Andrew_Mallis> fga directory meeting https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/extras/ideograph.ca/fga
19:29 < LP_> shite
21:55 < Senpai> Sorry, guys, had my head in the sand today and missed the hangout!
21:55 < Andrew_Mallis> s'ok. been swamped here too.
21:55 < Andrew_Mallis> I did a bit of work on the view.
21:55 < Senpai> oh good!
21:56 < Andrew_Mallis> http://dev.fga-directory.gotpantheon.com/occupation
21:56 < Andrew_Mallis> also just started http://dev.fga-directory.gotpantheon.com/occupation/manage
21:57 < Andrew_Mallis> to be split off into its own view and extended to help manage occupations and comments, etc.
21:58 < Andrew_Mallis> Guess we'll need a dashboard or something. We'll see. Not a 0.5 deliverable. Kinda going rogue with this, but it seems logical.
23:16 -!- dan___ is now known as dan__
--- Log closed Wed Feb 01 00:00:55 2012