--- Log opened Sun Feb 05 00:00:08 2012
10:26 -!- walkah_ is now known as walkah
12:02 < Andrew_Mallis> Are we doing a hangout for virtual participation?
12:08 < sdboyer> yeah
12:08 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: if you could do it...
12:08 < Andrew_Mallis> it's up
12:08 < Andrew_Mallis> https://plus.google.com/hangouts/extras/ideograph.ca/fga
12:08 < sdboyer> b/c i don't know how to do it in a way that's public without having the whole damn world join
12:12 < sdboyer> http://notes.occupy.net/p/FGA-GM-feb5
15:06 < Andrew_Mallis> I managed to purchase assembli.es
15:07 < Andrew_Mallis> 16 bucks. woot!
16:26 < zeropaper> Hi there! Just wanted to offer some help for the project.
16:27 < Andrew_Mallis> Thanks! What kind of help would you like to offer?
16:27 < zeropaper> and say hi.. obviously
16:27 < zeropaper> I have some good knowledge of drupal frontend / backend dev
16:27 < zeropaper> reset.to nitrousa.com for instance
16:29 < zeropaper> and I am working with the Berliner Biennale, who invited the "occupy" movement
16:30 < Andrew_Mallis> the contemporary art biennale?
16:30 < zeropaper> yes
16:31 < Andrew_Mallis> very nice.
16:31 < zeropaper> it will be a great opportunity
16:31 < Andrew_Mallis> what is the opportunity?
16:31 < zeropaper> we are talking with guys from london, madrid, frankfurt for some hacking sessions
16:32 < Andrew_Mallis> so what is the relationship with the biennale? Are they hosting the hack sessions?
16:32 < Andrew_Mallis> as a venue?
16:32 < Andrew_Mallis> or is there other programming that interescts
16:32 < zeropaper> yes
16:36 < zeropaper> it happens that a hacklab was organized from london, they are good connections between london & frankfurt... frankfurt is some really important place, they are coming to the biennale (as well as some people from madrid)... and we though we could code a bit together
16:36 < zeropaper> at the biennale as venue...
16:36 < zeropaper> and i make the connection with biennale
16:37 < zeropaper> it sounds complicated... and it is
16:37 < Andrew_Mallis> Are you an artist?
16:38 < zeropaper> hum... never ask something like that to a creative
16:38 < zeropaper> kind of
16:38 < zeropaper> but i do programming
16:38 < Andrew_Mallis> programming as art?
16:38 < zeropaper> 6 years full time drupal only
16:38 < zeropaper> it's not art anymore
16:38 < zeropaper> :D
16:39 < Andrew_Mallis> indeed.
16:39 < Andrew_Mallis> sounds a bit like my story.
16:39 < zeropaper> but i studied art history and communication
16:39 < zeropaper> ok, mine is happy
16:39 < zeropaper> (my story, I mean)
16:40 < Andrew_Mallis> I studied fine art. My wife also.
16:41 < zeropaper> very similar indeed, my partner did the same
16:42 < Andrew_Mallis> she's more committed to the full time art career. Representation, art fairs, etc.
16:42 < zeropaper> ok, well.. I asked myself how I could help, I have to read the "fine getting started"
16:43 < Andrew_Mallis> how did you hear about this project?
16:43 < Andrew_Mallis> Valentin, right?
16:43 < zeropaper> I wanted to do something like that, I searched for similar projects...
16:44 < zeropaper> yes, Valentin
16:45 < Andrew_Mallis> got your subscription to the UX list. It's kinda dorment right now as I'm focused on pushing out directory.occupy.net
16:45 < zeropaper> I got that
16:45 < zeropaper> ;)
16:47 < zeropaper> right now, I need to do some Aegir/Atrium/fserver install for the Biennale, I have also some problem freeing time for meetings...
16:48 < Andrew_Mallis> ok, well, how about you spend some time today reading the wiki a bit and ping me as it goes?
16:48 < Andrew_Mallis> Happy to answer any questions you may have.
16:48 < zeropaper> sure, I need to look at all that first
16:50  * sdboyer reads backscroll and smiles
16:51 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: and sweeeeet on the domain! let's get it kicked up with hosted google quicksterfunspeed :)
16:51 < sdboyer> oh, did you register it through the gandi account they set up? i can't remember if they added you to that or not
16:51 < Andrew_Mallis> been waiting for google to validate the domain.
16:51 < sdboyer> gotcha
16:51 < Andrew_Mallis> I was accidentally in my own gandi, but will switch it over methinks.
17:09 < Andrew_Mallis> updated http://projects.occupy.net/projects/fga/wiki/Resources
17:21 < Andrew_Mallis> sdboyer: should the URL for the project site be assembli.es?
17:21 < Andrew_Mallis> a subdomain thereof?
17:21 < Andrew_Mallis> fga.occupy.net?
18:31 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: i'm ok with putting it at assembli.es
18:32 < sdboyer> we may move it off there sooner or later, but hell, let's just make a decision and throw it at that for now
18:32 < sdboyer> s/may/will probably/
18:55 < Andrew_Mallis> google apps has added a lot of new features like oAuth, SAML-based Single Sign-On, OpenID
18:55 < Andrew_Mallis> The API is growing too
19:02 < Andrew_Mallis> sdboyer:  sdboyer@assembli.es ?
19:02 < sdboyer> yar
19:02 < sdboyer> iirc they don't have oauth2 yet, though
19:05 < Andrew_Mallis> mail.assembli.es calendar.assembli.es docs.assembli.es
19:07 < sdboyer> cool
19:08 < sdboyer> i'm just gonna set up forwarding on it, really
20:01 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: could you set up sounding.board@assembli.es to point to molly's email?
20:02 < Andrew_Mallis> shouldn't I just create a google group for this and make molly admin?
20:07 < sdboyer> just for RSVPs right now
20:07 < sdboyer> so a forward is preferable
--- Log closed Mon Feb 06 00:00:24 2012