--- Log opened Mon Feb 13 00:00:15 2012 16:08 < scottrigby> hey guys, 16:09 < scottrigby> there's a multi-location un-conference with Squatting Europe Kollective (SQEK) scheduled for Feb 23-27 in NYC 16:09 < scottrigby> http://occuprop.blogspot.com/ 16:10 < scottrigby> They wanted to talk with us on a Skype call, similar to the one we did the other week on FGA 16:10 < scottrigby> but they don't have a space with enough bandwidth 16:10 < scottrigby> I'm wondering if anyone here has a suggestion on where something like that might happen? 18:32 < Andrew_Mallis> sdboyer: ping 18:32 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: yo 18:34 < Andrew_Mallis> can we conference for a bit? Wthout a weekly meeting, I'm out in the wilderness here. Skype? 20:28 < sdboyer> Andrew_Mallis: ugh sorry i (clearly) stepped away 20:28 < sdboyer> gimme a minute, then yes 20:29 < sdboyer> if you're still around --- Log closed Tue Feb 14 00:00:31 2012