--- Log opened Sun Aug 14 00:00:36 2011
07:18 < conseo> mcallan: what has the zune to do with us? quote from icon-slogan.svg: The "Vote Free" cartoon logo is modeled on a drawing
07:18 < conseo> by Stuart Goldenberg.  A new Zune for serious music fans.
07:18 < conseo> New York Times.  September 18, 2008. p. C1.
07:43 < mcallan> conseo: it's just the title of the article i copied Votorella from
07:43 < conseo> votorella :-D
07:44 < conseo> is it under copyright?
07:44 < mcallan> i miss her ;-)
07:44 < mcallan> yes, i think so.  but i did not copy verbatim
07:47 < mcallan> i finally finished this code.  i'll go for a run, and then commit it
07:59 < conseo> awesome
08:00 < conseo> http://www.techrepublic.com/article/configure-vi-for-java-application-development/5054618 this works for emacs as well and it is pretty handy.
10:28 < mcallan> method folding sounds kind of neat
11:18 < conseo> i tried it and i think it is
11:37 < conseo> mcallan: do you know this wikiversity guy?
11:42 < mcallan> Abd? i know him from the election-methods list. he's been into delegate voting for a long time
11:43 < conseo> ok
11:44 < conseo> cool, what does that mean? does he really want to introduce votorola in wikimedia stuff?
11:44 < conseo> at least our voting mechanism is not directly in mediawiki, so his concept of marking delegates inline is not really compatible, right?
11:48 < mcallan> i don't think he's interested in votorola, he's kind of old fashioned when it comes to software.  he's more interested in theory, math.
11:56 < conseo> hmm, ok
11:58 < conseo> i have some indentation tabs left over and i'll use this to clean up, ok? : astyle --indent=spaces=4 --brackets=linux        --indent-labels --pad-oper --unpad-paren        --keep-one-line-statements --convert-tabs        --indent-preprocessor        `find -type f -name '*.java'`
11:59 < conseo> it is pretty handy, i'll only run it in my votorola/a/diff/feed folder of course
12:10 < mcallan> sure
--- Log closed Sun Aug 14 13:50:36 2011
--- Log opened Sun Aug 14 13:54:10 2011
--- Log closed Mon Aug 15 00:00:15 2011