--- Log opened Wed Sep 05 00:00:28 2012
00:03 < mcallan> gn8 c, my day's done
14:38 < conseo> mcallan: having a look at java.util.AbstractHashMap in gwt i can only see direct access on a javascript access for mapping in javascript
14:39 < conseo> e.g. line 366 in the body of getHashValue(Object key, int hashCode):
14:39 < conseo> var array = this.@java.util.AbstractHashMap::hashCodeMap[hashCode];
14:40 < conseo> the following list operations only happen on this array (bucket of the hashmap)
14:56 < conseo> v8 uses a special optimization for javascript access, https://developers.google.com/v8/design?hl=sv#prop_access
15:00 < mcallan> i'm looking in user/super/com/google/gwt/emul/ and the code looks nothing like what i saw before ...
15:01 < mcallan> i wonder if i somehow stumbled on devmode code, and took it for production?
15:10 < mcallan> conseo: i see it now.  for some reason i was looking at AbstractMap ...
15:10 < mcallan> (sorry for the noise)
15:10 < conseo> https://blog.mozilla.org/jorendorff/2008/11/17/anatomy-of-a-javascript-object/
15:10 < conseo> mcallan: no prob, i am curious about how this all works and i find it awesome that you have hacked gwt to our needs
15:11 < conseo> the mozilla article mentions a linkedlist, which would be odd
15:11 < conseo> i think they still do hashmap lookups if possible
15:11 < conseo> but i couldn't find any info yet
15:16 < mcallan> no worries, the native js will be efficient.  that was my surprise, that they didn't make use of it!  (or so i thought)
15:17 < conseo> ok, good
15:17 < conseo> it has to be efficient and cannot be list lookup
15:25 < conseo> i was worried, because i like the approach of gwt
--- Log closed Thu Sep 06 00:00:46 2012