--- Log opened Sat Sep 15 00:00:21 2012
07:40 < mcallan> conseo: can't pull from you
07:40 < mcallan> remote: ssh: connect to host whiletaker.homeip.net port 2222: No route to host
07:40 < mcallan> (been like that a few days)
08:32 < conseo> yes, i have my own domain now
08:33 < conseo> mcallan: but i haven't pushed anything to that repo lately
09:42 < conseo> the new domain is mono.polyc0l0r.net same port
14:27 < conseo> mcallan: can you enable ssl during login? it is quite risky to login in public wlans without encryption.
22:22 < mcallan> we're using encrypted keys, i thought
22:23 < mcallan> conseo: i have the problem with your new domain: remote: ssh: connect to host mono.polyc0l0r.net port 2222: No route to host
22:38 < conseo> mcallan: retry
22:42 < conseo> now, vm hang
22:44 < mcallan> i can connect now, but get: remote: abort: There is no Mercurial repository here (.hg not found)!
22:45 < mcallan> never mind, my fault
22:48 < mcallan> conseo: works ok.  i'll pull on my next build
22:48 < conseo> mcallan: ok, my recent work isn't in there yet
22:49 < mcallan> just a couple changesets from aug 20
22:49 < conseo> so no need to run the harvester
22:50 < mcallan> i pull from you regardless, on every build to the server
22:51 < conseo> ok, sure, just wanted to mention that voharvest is not useful atm.
22:51 < mcallan> ok
22:52 < conseo> will the talktrack have a similar stickiness like your polltrack? i guess no, because to change the poll (and position) u need to load a new page, this makes it somewhat sticky, right?
22:54 < conseo> you have mentioned the highlighting and filtering. i guess i should filter the message bites only for the current poll and then highlight messages from users whenever they are selected (?)
22:55 < conseo> what i mean is that the talktrack is also sticky upon the poll and filters all messages not from the poll out while doing the highlighting if a different user, e.g. in the votetrack is selected
22:56 < mcallan> conseo: can you skype?  this is complicated
22:57 < conseo> hmm, i actually am already in bed :-) how long will you be around?
22:58 < mcallan> so u can type, but not talk?  i'm around for 10-12 hours
22:59 < mcallan> (yeah, too compicated for typing, best to talk.  later if necessary)
23:01 < mcallan> (go to sleep :-)
23:01 < conseo> later would be better, i was about to go sleeping, but wanted to fix the repo. i just wanted to ask you this and then see when and how we can discuss this
23:02 < mcallan> ok, ping me when u get up
23:03 < conseo> ok, happy coding :-)
23:03 < conseo> cu
23:04 < mcallan> (fixing the bug thomas pointed to)
23:04 < mcallan> cu, gn8
--- Log closed Sun Sep 16 00:00:38 2012