--- Log opened Thu Sep 20 00:00:47 2012 06:43 < mcallan> (good morning) interesting, lots of errors. try disabling code (like your new track and stuff) till you isolate the cause, at least roughly 06:48 < conseo> mcallan: yes, sometimes the devmode is also difficult to reproduce 06:49 < conseo> mcallan: should i use "float: right" or rather aline the spans with a different mechanism? 06:49 < mcallan> it looks to be timing related, during init. devmode has different timings and execution order. the pure gwt scenes use a different linker than the embedded pages, and the execution order is different there again 06:50 < conseo> oh, ok 06:50 < mcallan> (almost never use float. but i don't know what you're trying to do) 06:50 < conseo> all these init routines make me drunk ^^ 06:51 < conseo> mcallan: align spans right in the div for the TalkTrack 06:51 < mcallan> (i know, it's complicated) 06:51 < mcallan> you mean you got overflow hidden on the left? 06:51 < conseo> we'll no problem, it's neat the way it works 06:52 < conseo> atm. its a newline with float 06:52 < conseo> float: right and overflow: hidden 06:52 < mcallan> so this hides overflow on left, when it is too big for window? 06:55 < conseo> sadly not, it draws them in the next line and hides that, but depending upon zooming you can see the next row :-/ 06:57 < mcallan> i would say forget about right alignment. the overflow problem is too difficult 06:57 < conseo> (the embedded chromium debugger is pretty good, it does until now all what i have done with firebug) 06:58 < mcallan> i sometimes use it, too 07:01 < mcallan> so do ordinary layout of inline elements (spans or whatever) in a block (div), but with white-space:nowrap to keep it on a single line, and overflow:hidden to clip it at right 07:02 < mcallan> i was hoping to code first polltrack view today, but i might not get to it. have to go and buy some hardware (another screen died on me) 07:06 < mcallan> polltrack will be ordered left to right alphabetically, with overflow hidden on right. that's natural. it would be weird if talk track were the opposite. maybe i was wrong there 07:07 < conseo> ok, how old was your dead screen? 07:14 < mcallan> 5 years, samsung lcd 07:16 < conseo> ok 07:17 < conseo> mcallan: i only set difference and message on the stage, but not the actorname to the sender when a message is clicked in the track(?) i think we agreed upon this 07:22 < mcallan> yes, correct 07:27 < conseo> and when a new actor name is selected on the stage (PropertyChangeEvent), i'll highlight all posts from this actor? 07:27 < conseo> with a fading out animation? 07:28 < conseo> i won't do that for the first version, likely after KickWAP and kicking works 07:32 < mcallan> i wouldn't fade out info. if it's useful show it steady, otherwise not at all 07:33 < mcallan> (unless fade is under user control, as in mouse over effects) but like u say, that all comes later 07:36 < conseo> ok 07:40 < conseo> mcallan: when i show the spans inline they lose their css-set width. they recommend to use display: inline-block (1) is this reasonable? (1) http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html#inlineblock 07:44 < mcallan> maybe. sometimes elements behave funny without content. might try adding 07:47 < conseo> ok, and i considered that ugly :-) 07:48 < conseo> that works 07:48 < mcallan> but it is ugly, ur right. inline block is probably cleaner. i think images are inline block. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/visuren.html#display-prop 07:54 < conseo> that works very well 08:03 < conseo> direction: rtl does the trick, now they are filled from the right side :-D 08:13 < mcallan> really, that simple? excellent 09:05 < Thomas____> hey Mike, are u there? 09:10 < mcallan> Thomas____: hey thomas 09:23 < mcallan> Thomas____: i turned on skype. please ring if you're free to speak 09:31 < Thomas____> ring --- Log closed Fri Sep 21 00:00:04 2012