--- Log opened Sun Sep 23 00:00:01 2012
--- Day changed Sun Sep 23 2012
00:00 < mcallan> n8
00:00 < mcallan> right at the stroke of midnight! :-)
03:07 < serapath> hi, did you read my email? i wrote all of you about the german pirate party's working group but no response from you yet.
03:07 < serapath> i wonder if something went wrong
08:32 < mcallan> serapath: sorry for delay.  just catching up, will try to reply this morning
08:32 < mcallan> (back after breakfast)
11:01 < serapath> np - take ur time. :) thx for replying. the session might be next week or the week after next week. i just wanted to mention it early
11:45 < conseo> mcallan: http://votorola.polyc0l0r.net/y/vw/web/VPageHTML.js is not there
11:54 < mcallan> serapath: replied to list.  you originally cc'd the list, but it wasn't posted there because you sent from a different address than you subscribed, which was citizen@serapath.de
11:56 < mcallan> conseo: /y ? you are attempting to serve tomcat's context files statically, like i do on server?
11:57 < mcallan> here for example: http://zelea.com/y/vw/
11:57 < mcallan> but that's an optimization you don't absolutely need...
11:59 < mcallan> ...so don't call wicCC.setMirroredContextLocation, and it will just serve from tomcat
11:59 < conseo> ok
12:00 < mcallan> ditto for gwt.js
12:01 < mcallan> (unfortunately, config has to be repeated currently between wicket and gwt)
12:01 < conseo> ok, gwt was already clear. somehow it slipped in the vowicket.js
12:01 < mcallan> that explains why no icons in link track
12:02 < mcallan> conseo: no wicCC.setAuthenticatorClass either
12:03 < mcallan> it won't work for u
12:03 < mcallan> generally speaking, you probably only need minimal config, plus point to ref pollwiki (instead of local)
12:05 < mcallan> (oh, never mind about icons.  i was wrong, ofc)
12:21 < mcallan> conseo: i now realize that sharing the ref pollwiki will gain you little.  not sure what i was thinking, but the stage in the pollwiki is currently tied to the ref server
12:23 < mcallan> nothing you see in pollwiki will link back to your server.  i'm stretched now to think why i suggested it, or why i doc it in the manual
12:24 < mcallan> conseo: i guess either (1) we fix this and enable shared pollwiki, or (2) u serve a pollwiki, or (3) forget about being able to demo your stuff independently
12:28 < conseo> ok, yes this might be a problem. can we load the stage depending on the session, e.g. if you enter the wiki through me you still load my stage?
12:29 < conseo> huh, i have to set the background-color of the track, but either it is lighter than the stage in xf or it is darker than the embedded stage on votespace
12:30 < mcallan> they have different "themes" in the style sheets.  grep for "charcoal"
12:32 < mcallan> ultimately for (1), we need pollwiki to link to vote-server based on (a) user preference, and (b) area
12:33 < mcallan> either would give you what you need for testing.  but (b) would probably be the most convenient
12:33 < conseo> well, but then only one wiki can serve an area, right?
12:35 < mcallan> right.  it's possible to have fork of area, but it won't be pretty
12:35 < mcallan> (basically two competing pollwikis, or two competing areas in a single multi-area pollwiki, like ours)
12:36 < mcallan> (we don't need to support that, yet)
12:36 < mcallan> we just need to support (a) competing vote-servers, or (b) different vote-servers for different areas in multi-area wiki
12:39 < mcallan> i want to support (1) asap.  if you prefer, i can probably make it priority on my side.  but how hard is (2) for u?
12:41 < mcallan> (note) we're talking about stage 2 rollout: http://zelea.com/project/outcast/dep.xht#mul
12:43 < mcallan> there even stage 1 assumes competing vote-servers (a), which we don't have.  stage 2 is (b), separate servers (or cluster of competing servers) for separate areas
12:44 < mcallan> so in summary, solution (1) involves coding either stage 1 with (a), or stage 2 with (b)
12:46 < mcallan> while solution (2) is stage 3 :-)  if possible for u
12:48 < mcallan> solution (N) in this chat = stage N+1 in docs, which is confusing
13:05 < conseo> mcallan: what do you mean with "how hard"? i don't see any use of a seperate pollwiki yet and i don't know if a zillion pollwikis is really the way to go as syncing would be difficult
13:05 < conseo> rather i would propose to manage them through a poll itself and have a pollwiki per area
13:05 < conseo> if you want to structure areas differently in another pollwiki you should give them different names to avoid namespace conflicts
13:06 < conseo> (i want to use the tools, but running the wiki is not the first step for me. rather it is the concept of outreach which i need as an activist)
13:09 < conseo> i would like to deploy the stage and a mirroring voteserver if this is reasonable (which i think it is in many ways), so i say stage 2
13:11 < mcallan> i'm happy with that.  we have to go that route anyway, and the sooner the better
13:13 < mcallan> i will fix my diff lighting bugs (and reply to your post), then work on stage 2.  so it will take priority over polltrack, if u agree
13:30 < conseo> yes, although you still have better insights, so whatever fits you best. i would like to play with the stage and maybe embed it in stuff like blogs or social networks (if this is even possible), so using my own code (and voteserver) might help to play around while still keeping data in sync with you
13:30 < conseo> (in the pollwiki)
13:32 < mcallan> definitely.  in fact, i'm going to put the bug fixes on the side.  i have a hunch it's easy to do stage 2.  i'll start on it today
13:42 < conseo> ok, awesome
13:42 < conseo> thx :-)
13:45 < mcallan> welcome :-)
14:50 < conseo> mcallan: is it costing you a lot of time to either make votorola/_/Votorola.java  independent from any votorola.* dependencies or move it somewhere in g? or is there more to it?
15:18 < mcallan> no, i didn't know you were waiting for it
15:21 < mcallan> conseo: u can hg mv it if u are in hurry.  maybe g/_ is good place.  transfer the files to GMod.gwt.xml from Votorola.gwt.xml, and nix the latter
15:22 < mcallan> nix package-info, and that should do it
15:23 < conseo> mcallan: no hurry. i just have to move and revert my disabled Votorola.java on each commit to not break my build environment, so in the longer run it would be nice
15:27 < mcallan> ok, i'll do it after stage 2
15:30 < conseo> thx!
15:39 < mcallan> welcome
17:15 < conseo> mcallan: http://v.polyc0l0r.net:8080/v/w/Rank?p=Sys!p!sandbox and http://v.polyc0l0r.net:8080/v/xf/#c=DG&p=Sys!p!sandbox
17:20 < mcallan> beautiful!
17:23 < mcallan> conseo: don't do wicCC.setAuthenticatorClass.  let it default to openid, because pollwiki login won't work cross-domain (not yet)
17:27 < conseo> mcallan: now better?
17:28 < mcallan> conseo: little bug: when i go back to rank page in history, i see only one post (same when i first loaded it).  but when i nav to rank page, i see lots
17:28 < mcallan> note rank page will not cache, while votespace will
17:28 < conseo> this is because the pollname is not set for the first fetch
17:29 < conseo> it then updates when it gets a PropertyChange event
17:31 < mcallan> you are requesting too early, then.  poll name is set very early.  use proper initializer, like other tracks: http://zelea.com/project/votorola/_/javadoc/votorola/s/gwt/stage/Stage.html
17:32 < mcallan> even still, if you attached a listener *before* reading current value, you should learn of name, and we should see lots of posts still (maybe after delay).  no?
17:37 < conseo> ok, i will retry with the initializer. the posts are only shown by pollname otherwise all are fetched. is this wrong?
17:38 < mcallan> i would show all by default.  let pollname selection act as filter
17:38 < conseo> ok, i agree
17:44 < mcallan> conseo: can you see your apache logs?
17:44 < mcallan> (error log, for 404 in particular)
17:47 < conseo> no error for 5 hours or so
17:47 < conseo> last one was the wrong mirror setting for y
17:48 < mcallan> load this plz, http://zelea.com/var/tmp-public/scratch.xht
17:48 < mcallan> tell me if it hits your server twice
17:52 < mcallan> wait a minute, you're probably not serving locally ...
17:53 < mcallan> are u running any kind of web server on your localhost?
17:57 < mcallan> (firefox used to block requests to localhost, but i can't replicate now.  maybe it's smart enough to realize my localhost is in same domain, and allows it)
17:59 < conseo> nope, i have no apache here, but wait a sec
18:01 < mcallan> (at issue is whether developer without public server can still use our pollwiki and run tests on localhost)
18:02 < mcallan> don't install a web server or anything :-)  i can google a little more...
18:02 < conseo> [Mon Sep 24 00:03:07 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/var, referer: http://zelea.com/var/tmp-public/scratch.xht
18:02 < conseo> [Mon Sep 24 00:03:07 2012] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/var, referer: http://zelea.com/var/tmp-public/scratch.xht
18:03 < mcallan> nice
18:04 < mcallan> conseo: does that host have a local name?
18:05 < conseo> yes
18:05 < conseo> benjamin
18:07 < mcallan> try again, refresh
18:08 < mcallan> (now i think about it.  it wasn't localhost that was restricted, but rather file: requests)
18:19 < conseo> it only hits once, but i can't find out which one it is without loading the file locally
18:19 < conseo> (the scratch-html file)
18:21 < mcallan> interesting.  can't tell because i put directory in request, i guess.  but now i request bare filename.  can u retry?
18:29 < conseo> only stylesheet
18:30 < mcallan> so it doesn't try to fetch js?
18:31 < conseo> arggh, javascript blocker sry, i overlooked it
18:31 < conseo> it does try to
18:32 < mcallan> excellent...  thx c!
18:38 < conseo> mcallan: this init stuff is twisting my mind. could you provide a sequence of init steps for typical loading process as ascii art?
18:38 < conseo> "art"
18:38 < conseo> :-D
18:38 < conseo> i guess i should trigger loading after the stage is loaded. Stage.i().getPollName() in the loader works then as expected
18:39 < conseo> i thought that i would get the PropertyChange event automagically
18:39 < conseo> from the gwt bus
18:41 < conseo> in Widget newView() i do addHandlerToSource(PropertyChange.TYPE, Stage.i(), stageHandler);
18:51 < mcallan> diagram is good idea.  and maybe canned, pre-coded initializers too.  but my stack is overflowing... :-)  basically you want to add your listener after init(From|To)Complete.  that's a common pattern i think, which other initializers use
18:51 < mcallan> and after adding your listener, you call it once to effect the init: stageHander.change() or whatever
18:52 < conseo> so i could use init() which is called from all of them in the VoteTrack version i copied
18:52 < conseo> i have now removed all other code, besides the calls to init
18:52 < mcallan> looking...
18:52 < conseo> and initR
18:55 < mcallan> look at the one in votorola.s.gwt.wic.CountIn, which is much simpler
19:12 < conseo> mcallan: ok works
19:15 < conseo> mcallan: if i set the pollname when a message is selected this should actually have no negative effect, as no pollname is selected anyway when this triggers a change, right?
19:15 < conseo> (just wondering)
19:17 < mcallan> ofc it works! :-)
19:18 < mcallan> nothing will break, if that's what u mean...
19:18 < mcallan> but your track will immediately be filtered, and no way to unfilter
19:19 < mcallan> so it's best to let something that allows for poll nav (like polltrack) to do poll setting
19:22 < conseo> ok, i agree
19:22 < conseo> can i already mirror your counts (or do you work on this)?
19:22 < conseo> because atm. the stage does not know polls besides sandbox
19:23 < conseo> not necessary though
19:25 < conseo> (just asking out of curiousity)
19:26 < mcallan> mirroring prototype currently works only with whitehouse 2 servers
19:27 < mcallan> just cast a vote for another poll, and run vocount
19:28 < mcallan> manual shows how to use command line 'voter' to cast votes
19:29 < mcallan> heading for a run, before i lose the light
19:30 < mcallan> back tomorrow
19:30 < mcallan> cu
19:34 < conseo> ok, should the feed set the pollname? atm. it doesn't.
--- Log closed Mon Sep 24 00:00:56 2012