--- Log opened Wed Jul 02 00:00:14 2014 13:38 < conseo> busy with bachelor machine learning stuff 13:39 < conseo> pretty interesting, but i am fiddeling through the statistics stuff to get a plan 13:39 < conseo> interesting, i have been following on the list a bit, but it looks like an eternal discussion about how to start an discussion about what democracy should be 13:39 < conseo> what concrete practical stuff do you plan? 13:59 < mcallan> executing overplans in a context of critical overplanning. technically it's not about democracy (not that i can see), but they won't grok it unless i use that word 14:03 < mcallan> "bachelor machine" looks like fun, not work ;^) 15:04 < conseo> it is both, but probably the steepest dive i have done in a new topic yet, since you need to get some intuition about probability spaces and decipher a lot of fancy named formulas and notations. 15:05 < conseo> but it is pretty impressive how far ai has come and how much we know about the brain, even if a lot is still desired. it is not that these are toy examples of ai labs. google is using this. 15:06 < conseo> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning 15:07 < conseo> this is what i want to understand, but the cool thing is that my university is part of the human brain project. it has only been in the last half year or so that i came to discover how tricky the brain is organized 15:08 < conseo> it is mostly physicists thing though, building an analog chip emulating a model of the brain. i have to get grounds through machine learning and usually feel pretty dumb 15:15 < conseo> overplan sounds a bit funny. i only know masterplan: https://github.com/ghubber/masterplan :-P 16:07 < conseo> in german most words with "über" have funny conotations, because of nazi's use of übermensch. in english this seems to have been carried over. even my build tool has a command "lein ueberjar" to build a jar file containing all dependencies ^^... 19:51 < conseo> not my personal build tool, clojures --- Log closed Thu Jul 03 00:00:31 2014